A Grand Adventure is About to Begin

Start from the beginning

Erin sighed. "Yes Jay, I'm fine. Take a shower."

Jay nodded and dropped the conversation, tapping into the shower and closing the door behind him. As Erin brushed her teeth, her mind was racing at five am. Was she okay? She and Jay had been trying for a few weeks, but the test was negative?

Half an hour later, Erin and Jay were in Kim's room at Chicago Med.

"Hey love bug, how are you?" Erin asked her best friend as she walked up to her bed where Kim was currently laying.

"I'm doing." She gritted her teeth as another contraction passed and she gripped Erin's hand for relief. Kim dug her nails into Erin's skin, and Erin held back a scream of pain, but remained calm. Erin held Kim's shoulder as the contraction passed, and Kim laid her head against the pillow. "I'm ready for him to be out of me." She breathed. "Where is my husband?" Kim yelled.

"He is with Jay grabbing food and ice chips." Erin soothed, rubbing Kim's back. "They'll be back soon."

Kim groaned."I swear, Adam is never here! The nurse has helped me more than he has. I'm never doing this again. If he wants another kid, he can deal with the pregnancy." She spat.

Erin bit back a laugh as she heard her best friend talk nonsense. "Kim, its going to be okay. Think about it. Brysen will be here today and you will be a mom! You and Ruzek have wanted a child for so long, and its finally about to happen!" Erin tried to make the best of the situation.

Kim was about to respond, but Adam and Jay walked into the room, carrying coffee, food, and Kim's ice chips. "We brought you ice chips." Adam smiled. He walked over to Kim's bed and handed her her ice chips. "Here you go, darling." He smiled nervously.

Erin abruptly left the room and ran into the bathroom.

Jay sighed and quickly excused himself, knowing what was about to happen. He followed her close behind. Erin lunged for the toilet and once again, hurled into it. Jay repeated the process he did hours ago, pulling her strands of hair behind her face as acid from her stomach flew into the toilet. Her throat burned. There was no food left in her stomach, and now the acid was coming up. She relaxed and flushed the toilet, leaning back into Jay's embrace. He dabbed her forehead with a wet washcloth, moving down to wipe the corners of her mouth.

"Baby, are you sure you're okay?" He asked. She had been sick since Black Friday at least, but it only got worse as the days passed. Erin shook her head and leaned her head into Jay's chest."Erin, are you sure the test said negative?"

Erin looked up at her fiancé unsure. "Maybe we should see a doctor. Get it checked out. Kim's test said negative, but look where we are now." She momentarily paused, Kim's shrieks filling the bathroom. "Let's se if Dr. Davis has any openings. He's a good one."

Jay nodded and helped her up, walking into the room where two nurses were getting Kim prepped. Jay and Erin excused themselves and walked down the hallway to the nurse's station. "Hi. Is there anyway we can set up an appointment with Dr. Davis scheduled today?" Jay asked, one hand tapping against the counter, the other around Erin's waist.

"I'm sorry, but he is fully booked until February, sir." She looked through her calendars. "If it helps, I just got off of maternity leave yesterday, and Dr. Robbins was my OBGYN. He has been around for fourteen years. He has an opening in two hours. He is a realist. He doesn't sugar coat things, and gives it to you how it is. He's the real deal." She smiled encouragingly.

Erin and Jay exchanged glances before Erin spoke up. "What room?"

"Three twenty four. Just take the elevator up to the third floor, go right and down the hallway. You'll hit the nurses' station and keep going. It's on the right and it's the second room."

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