"Nice try Weiss, but we all know that if anyone's paying it's going to be me, I'm the big sister here, let me do it."

"Hehe, fineeeeee."

They walked and turned to Weiss' dorm room. She pulled out the keys and unlocked it.

"Welcome to Casa del RWBY!"

Weiss opened the door and the first thing Winter heard were squeals of delight and a mixture of heart and childish laughter.

"Hey guys, my sister is here!" Weiss shouted to get their attention.

Still the sounds snorts and joy were all over the place.

"Jeez, hey Weiss, we're just playing a little fighting game, whoever loses has to pay for lunch." A small girl's voice could be heard just outside the door. "And right now we are kicking Uncle Qrow's butt!"

Uncle... Qrow?

"Yeah this old man is pretty trash." A girl with yellow hair looked mockingly at the floor. Winter could see her past the door but she couldn't get inside because her sister was blocking the door from her.

"Well come say hi Winter! They won't bite, unless they had a bunch of sugar for breakfast." Weiss cautioned her.

"Winter?" A deep husky voice asked.

Oh god-

Winter pushed Weiss a tiny bit and popped her head through the door trying to match a face with the voice. She looked down at the floor next to her left and there sat a tall dark man next to the small girl clad in red playing games in front of a TV screen.

"Oh, Qrow... What are you doing here?" Asked Winter.

"These are my nieces, I wanted to pay a visit." He replied.

A girl with black hair watched their interaction with curiosity in her eyes. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah, she's my assistant."

"Assis-Whaaaa?" Asked everyone in the room under the age of 24.

Winter sighed.

"This man will be your new history teacher starting next week. And I'm his assistant."

They could only stare.

The small girl was the first one to break the silence.

"So... Uncle Qrow... When were you going to tell us this?"

"At lunch, but I guess someone wanted to do my job for me, maybe you should do the teaching and let me assist instead." Qrow looked sharply at the older Schnee.

Looking at the window, Winter could only twiddle her thumbs and try to whistle but unfortunately no sound came out.

"Alright." Qrow threw his hands up, "You caught me. I'm your new teacher for Beacon. I don't know how things work yet but that's why I have her helping me out for a bit." He said pointing his finger at Winter.

"I'll tell you guys more later but for now can we all go out somewhere? This room is getting kinda stuffy with everyone in here."


"Uncle Qrow! I want the full 7-course meal complete with two ramen dishes and sides of sushi!" The girl named Ruby yelled to Qrow from the far side of the table.

"Hey me too! Me too!" Her sister Yang exclaimed. "Gotta get swoll with this bowl." She laughed showing off her arms. Ruby and Yang did the same but they weren't as shredded as Yang. Weiss was too busy laughing at that fact and they all turned to Weiss and had her lift her arms.

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