Light headed / concerned

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Rays prove

Deciding that I am calm enough to be in the man cave with Henry I get into the elevator and head down when I enter the man cave the first thing i see by the look of it is Henry dodging something and Charlotte looking at him concerned hey guys I say awkwardly hey Charlotte answered but Henry just stud there not saying a word hey hen me and u have to have a little talk ok ,ok he replies quietly after a shot of when all of a sudden I see him lean up against a wall a go very pail in the face I am now very concerned when all of a sudden he fall the the floor unconscious I look over to Charlotte who I looking down at her unconscious friend mouth dropped down to the floor by the look of things she is thinking what the hell just happened
I pick Henry up and put him on the couch and sit next to him running a cold rag over his face it was at this moment that I realised that he has a temperature I think to myself if he isn't feeling well why didn't he just tell me upstairs or phone in sick saying that he doesn't feel very well I would've let him take a day of more like made him but that doesn't matter when I look back at Henry I realise that his eyes where starting to twitch open ,when all of a sudden he sits up and asks me what I am watching on tv just like he would've if he was just waking up from a nap it was like he had forgotten what had happened 3 hours earlier this day . Hey Hen how y'a feeling I asked him slowly
When he turned round to face me he answered with yeah,?why when all of a sudden he clenches his eyes shut holding on to his stomach hey ,hey kid are u ok he simply shakes his head no so I tell him ok and to lay down I will be back in a second I return a few seconds later with a heating pad and s thermometer I put the heating pad on his stomach and tell him to open his mouth he quickly obeys and I put the thermometer in his mouth a few minutes passed and the thermometer beeped as it hit caught the temperature when I turn back to look at Henry is see that he is fast asleep so I carefully take the thermometer out of his mouth and look at it aaawww poor kids got a fever

Henry's prove

I wake up to a horrible yet familiar pain in my stomach when I realise that I am in the man cave and that I have a heating pad on my tummy I slowly sit up and look around the man cave but I freeze when I come to the computers when I see Ray remembering how mad he was at me for being so late to work when he turned round I got ready for the shouting fest to begin but instead what he said surprised me he said...

What did ray say keep reading to find out...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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