Late to work

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Henry's prove

I managed to make it through the school but now it is time for work as I am on my way to work I begin to feel really light headed but I Cary on walking brushing the feeling of my shoulder thinking that it was nothing .When I get to work I am greeted by an angry and annoyed Ray
Hey ,I say uneasy
Why are u an hour late to work and u better have an good excuse.
What I say groggily
What do u mean what ,ray says back clearly trying not to shout at me .
I was about to answer Ray but I just couldn't find the energy to I am starting to feel really sick again so I stared down at the floor so ray wouldn't notice .
HENRY!!!!!! ,He shouts even madder than before. Because I hadn't answered his question I slowly lifted my head u and answered the question I don't know why I am late to work I say
At this point Ray looks furious that's it he says go to the Man Cave I don't even want to see u right now at that I literally ran past him into the elevator when I got to the man cave I noticed Charlotte at the computer
Hey Char I said in an awkward sort of voice hey hen wait what's wrong she asked in an concerned sir of voice
What do u mean I am fine I replied but I new that she could tell that I was lying she slowly walked over to me and tried to touch my forehead but I dodged it knowing that I had a fever .

Ray's prove

I can't believe it Henry is an hour late to work I am about to call him when the door opens to reveal a Henry that looks like he thinks he has done nothing wrong then he see's me and says hey sounding uneasy why are u an hour late to work i shot back to him getting angry and u better have an good excuse what he answers which pushed to my limits I was now the most angry I have ever been in my life I try to calm down but I still shouted a little at him what do u mean what but he didn't answer instead he decided to just look down at the floor now that was a mistake HENRY !!!! I scream at him now mad at him again I know that that had got to him because he slowly started to lift his head up I don't know why I am late to work he says quietly great now he is lying to me I can't do this now I thought to myself that's it I say I a mad voice go down to the man cave I don't even want to see you right now he quickly run to the elevator no looking at me .

Charlotte's prove
I am sitting at the computers researching criminals when I hear a familiar voice say hey to me In an awkward sort of voice I slowly turn found to see my best friend hey hen I began when I
Noticed something different I just couldn't put my finger on it wait what's wrong I say on a concerned voice he just answered with a simple what do u mean I am fine but I new he was lying he had been acting weird all day I wonder if he is sick I try to touch his forehead be he dodges my hand what is up with this kid today .
Thanks for reading p.s sorry that the picture above has nothing to do with the story I just think that have looked really cut in this picture

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