Cops and Robbers (MxM)

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Well being in a room of cons wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I glanced around the room to spot a few familiar faces, some are completely new.
"Dude are you going to a funeral or something" the young police officer asked me. I looked down at myself confused only to realise I was wearing all black, oh the little one has a sense of humour.
"Hmm I haven't decided yet, I mean, you have your whole life ahead of you kid" I laughed, then I heard a little chuckle from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a detective trying to muffle his laughter as the tears in his eyes threatened to fall, the young man sunk back down into his seat. He crossed his arms and gritted his teeth, you could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Oh I can hear all four of your brain cells trying to come up with a coherent reply"  the officer loses his cool as he slams his hands against his desk and shoot up like someone put fireworks up his ass but luckily for me the police chief walks in. He glanced at me with annoyance and continues to glare for a few moments. After a few second of him glaring daggers at me and attempting to bore a hole in my head, he spoke.
"Gentlemen you'll be working with Mr McLaughlin from here on" I glanced at him in shock. My brain tried to catch up with the information he had just spat at me.
"Wait hang on, what" the young man yelled as he looked like he'd lost his mind, he jumped up out of his seat and stormed his cute ass up to the chief. The chief just brushed passed him.

"Shamus McLaughlin pleasure to be working with you" he said with a deadpan voice and he didn't even bother to look me in the face as he walked out. The police officers were mumbling amongst themselves, they were not happy to be working with a criminal, ah man this is gonna ruin my reputation. Before I could mourn my reputation , I was hauled out to someone's desk and sat there for about ten minutes until the little snobby young cop waltzed over and undid my cuffs.
"Well someone's lucky daddy's high up" he hissed at me. He slipped the cuffs back into his belt, shame those could have been useful.
"If your gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart otherwise your just an ass" the officer lost his cool and dived at me, only to be met with an empty space and then the cold, hard floor.

"You little shit" he screamed as he clambered off the floor. I couldn't help but laugh, I glanced around to see that officers had gathered.
"Well I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong" I smiled, winding him up probably isn't the best idea I've ever had. He charged at me and threw a right hook, I easily ducked under his arm and slipped behind him.
"Stand still you little shit" he attempted to turn but only for him, to lose his balance and land on one knee.

"I'd call you a pig, but that's just an offence to pigs" I shot back and I could practically see his blood pressure rising. The officers beside me had remained completely still and laughed on some occasions.
"Oh kiss my ass" he growled at me, I was taken back in shock. He growled at me, like a dog. I mean it was a little bit hot but I wasn't gonna tell him that. I let out a laugh, he could at least buy me dinner first that would be a sight.
"Jesus Christ who let you out of you cage" he managed to land a hit on my chest but it was hardly a punch.

"Once upon a time there was a twat. It was you. The end." I said as I kicked him in the head, to my surprise he went down like a tonne of bricks. I jumped back in surprise.
"It wasn't me" I held my hands up and backed up. I felt a sudden pulling motion from behind me, I was hauled back to my seat by the detective that laughed at me earlier.
"Stay!" He warned as he went to help his friend off the floor.
"How idiotic are you?" He whispered as he sat down at his desk, I'm not sure if he was talking to me or his friend.

"Hey I wanted a battle of wit but clearly he was unarmed" the detective laughed at me but managed to cover his mouth when the chief walked over. The chief looked up to see the young cop slouching over at his desk.
"Is Lucas asleep?"
"No he fell over and knocked himself out" the detective lied through his teeth like it was second nature. The chief just shrugged his shoulders. He glanced at me, looking me up and down.
"Joesph just make sure he's alright" the chief laughed.

"The reason you'll be working with us... if I'm perfectly honest, you look like a toy boy" I stood there for a moment shell shocked. The chief looked extremely uncomfortable.
"You mean male prostitute" the chief only nodded and he went on to explain someone that was going around killing male workers, none of the workers knew who they were and every time they put officers on the corners, half of the clientele didn't show up again. He walked away to get paperwork or something, I tuned it out after toy boy.

The young officer began to stir and when he came to he glared at me.
"Oh go to hell" he huffed in annoyance as he pulled himself up to sit on the chair properly.
"Oh sweetie where do you think I came from"  I shot back. I was feeling especially nasty today, I was practically ripped from a million dollar job and now I'm stuck here with these uniforms. The detective stopped and looked at me but soon the chief was walking across the station.
"So this is a one time deal" I asked the chief who had just returned from getting paper work. I stayed there and signed the paperwork, man this was gonna be a long week.

The night came around quickly and let's just say it was a long night. The same thing get in the car, pull over and get them arrested. It was about two hours in when a large SUV truck pulled up, something was different. The SUV has tinted windows and the driver could not be seen, to be honest I'm shitting myself. The driver pulled over and opened the door, I climbed in unaware. Within the next few seconds a knife was held to my throat, he simply shut the door and drove off, out of the side of my eye. I noticed he had a long scar across his face. That's something I won't be forgetting for a while

"Take this and be quiet" he handed me a sketchy looking pill and I had no choice but to take it. The next few minuets were agony.
"What did you give me"
"A little happy pill" he laughed at me and continued to drive.
"You gave me viagra" the sick man smiled
"My own special blend, your gonna need to get off soon because that won't go away" He pointed down. Fuck I was hard as hell. With the next two minutes the two police cruisers with the young officer and the detective.  He was arrested a put in the officers cruiser. As he was being hauled of he yelled something at me.
"Until next time, tiger" at least I think that what he said I was a little bit preoccupied.
I practically fell out of the SUV trying to hide myself, soon the sweat covered most of my body.

"What the hell, Jack"
"I need to go home now" the two of them looked at me strangely. The young officer jumped in the cruiser with me in the back, god damn it why did they have to share a cruiser back. I ran inside and left the door open, I undid my pants and started to rub myself. What I wasn't expecting was the two men to enter.
"He drugged me" they both looked me with lust.  After a while both men were covered in sweat and cum. Both men kissed me as they laid down beside me.
"Best shift ever" Lucas laughed and soon Joe joined in.

Believe or not there is a part 2 on its way 👌🏻

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