Chapter 1.

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I stared up at him.. standing in the door way. He still looks his normal self, curly hair, but he has tattooes now, eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing. I cant help myself, I have to stare.

I feel someone hitting me, I turn around and Ellis is staring at me. "Hes been angry and like that for the past 2 years since"

"yeah I know what happened". I say to stop him carrying on. Harry looks over at me and I put my head down. I scroll back down twitter for the rest of the tutor time.

"So you changed your look? Nice to see you again."

I've changed my look? Harry look at yourself, all I did was change my hair colour and decided to wear darker clothes, I didnt get inked up and loads of holes in my face.

I sigh and look back up and hes infront of me. "Poppy" He says smirking at me.

"what do you want Styles?" I grunt. Just then the bell rings, I smirk sarcastically at him and grab my bag, pushing my desk right into him and walking out of form.

"Hey wait up" someone calls, i turn around and see Ellis. "What went down with you and Harry?" He asks. I grunt and carried on walking.

"Nothing" I say still, i know hes behind me as i can here footsteps. We arrived at some grass area that nobody was sat on. I decide to sit down on the corner patch, as its my first day I dont really have friends, yeah maybe I gained some friends from the form incident, but nobody was chasing after me to hang with me, only Ellis.

"Its okay that i sit with you right?" He asks standing infront of me, i giggle and nod my head, he sits down next to me for the hole of the time we sat here. There isnt much conversation, he asks me the basics like whens my birthday, about my family etc. I told him the truth, im not really a family person, dads always at work, ,mum left just over a year ago and my brother left for uni, so I kinda do my own things, I always have since the shit with Harry, which im grateful Ellis didn't bring back up.

I didn't even realise that I did bunk my first period, and Ellis did as well, but he didnt seem bothered and didn't care to tell me, I mean with Ellis hes different, hes got a tattoo on his chest that you can see through his white tshirt, but other than that hes ink free and doesnt have holes, his hair isnt awfully long, its like Louis' length, I mean when me and Harry were together I obviously saw them lot often, and I was always looking at Louis' hair, I adored Harrys but me and Louis' had a strange friendship, hes the one who helped me through mine and Harrys break up, I don't know if Harry knew, I doubt he did. But Louis was my only friend after that secret. 


At the end of the day i can't wait to just get home and to get away from this place, its my first day and already i don't like it, sucks right? My form tutor's an ass, Ellis is the only nice person, and Harry goes here. 

"Hey wait up" Ellis shouts running behind me, i turn around face him. "I dont mean to be rude, but i kinda missed the bus, can you give me a lift? I live just outta town, so its like a half hour walk" He asks nervously. I nod my head and giggle. He smiles and runs around to the other side of my car, he climbs in and sits quietly, i turn my radio on putting All Time Low on, he smirks and starts to sing along to You Me At Six - 'Lived A Lie' I laugh as his singing is just dreadful but i think thats his way of flirting. 

We finally arrive at his house. "I'll walk to your door" I awkwardly smile, he nods and we both get out the car, we head towards his door in no conversation. 

"Do you want to come in?" He asks. 

"I have to go - sure" I smile. He doesn't seem like one of them annoying boys, so this should be fine. 

"Hey Ellis" His mum shouts. 

"Hey i brought a friend round, were going upstairs" Ellis shouts and drags my hand, i push my eyebrows together in confusion. "She'd only ask you loads of questions like are you my girlfriend and all this shit, and i don't want her scaring you away" He laughs. 

"Fair enough, you have a nice house by the way" I smile. He walks into his room, kicking off his shoes, i push mine off and stand awkwardly.

"Thankyou, its my dad but he passed a year ago so me and my mum and my sister are left here, you can sit by the way, don't worry i dont want to get in your pants" He smirks. I laugh and sit on his bed. I look around his room, its dark blue with posters.. like computer game posters, some half naked girls which makes me laugh, he has a laptop sitting in the corner, a flat screen tv on the wall infront of his bed and a desk with alot of books on. 

"Yeah i do keep up to date on my homework, so i guess im out of the picture if you don't like nerds" He says shrugging his shoulders as he neatens his books up.

"Nah thats fine with me, id rather have someone who knows stuff than a dumb ass" I laugh. He laughs along and sits infront of me.

"I know you probs don't want this, but im curious.. what happened with Styles? You seemed to tense up when he appeared in form" Ellis asks..

I knew this would come. "Did you ever see in a magazine 2 years ago about him having a girlfriend? But he never brought her out, never told anyone her name and kept her in hiding?" I mumble scratching my knee.

He nods. "yeah and then a few weeks later he brought out that he had another girlfriend, or there was a rumour about it, and called it his dirty little secret?" He says tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, well basically i was his girlfriend.. and that was a rumour, the managment made that up, but what happened, was i saw in the magazine that he called me a prositute, and called me his dirty little secret.. and allowed all his fans to call me a whore, a hoe, and other horrible names, i got death threats because apparently i treated him like shit but they never actually knew who it was.. they just said all this hate on hashtags? And obviosly i saw it all cause it was like #harryssecretgirlfriend" I pause and take a breath. "And then he posted on twitter 'You love abusing my dirty little secret dont you? Shes a hoe really, wasn't just me she fucked' and that was pretty much when i lost it.. i ended it with him and i still get the hate, but after that the band,or atleast Harry transferred, but i never knew he transferred here, if i knew i wouldn't of showed up." I mumble shrugging my shoulders.

Don't get me wrong, i kinda miss him.. the way he treated me nobody has ever treated me that way before, he had a special thing about him. 

"Poppy im so sorry.. i never knew" He says putting his head down.

"Of course you didnt, i mean he said my name was Bo, which wasnt awful cus then i never got direct hate, they did get a picture of me though.. and alot of people in my area found out it was me, but then i changed my look and moved here, nobody knows here but you now" I mumble, i feel tears coming but i try holding them back. But its no use, Ellis notices. 

He moves over towards me and sits next to me, "Its okay for me to hug you right?" He asks. I laugh and nod, he puts his arms around me and hugs, i put my arms back around him and hugs, before long we both fall on the bed, i let go but Ellis' arms are still locked around me, it kinda feels nice so i let him carry on. I rest my head against his chest and basically snuggle myself against him. 

Why can't every boy be this cute, shy and friendly.

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