Final Match: Year 3

Start from the beginning

Forty-ten to Gryffindor.

Malfoy was tailing Harry closely, barely more than a few feet behind. Katie scored to a shout of cheers. Amisty felt her throat starting to go hoarse.


Fred and George joined Katie, guarding her in case the Slytherin's tried to get revenge on her triumph. In their distraction, Bole and Derrick decided to whack both Bludgers straight at Wood.Both hit him dead straight in the stomach, sending him rolling around in the air and gasping for breath. Madam Hooch was up there beside them in an instant.

Hermione kept a firm hold on Amisty, who was starting to shake.

"YOU DO NOT ATTACK THE KEEPER UNLESS THE QUAFFLE IS WITHIN THE SCORING AREA! GRYFFINDOR PENALTY!" She screeched, giving withering glares to the two Beaters as she flew back to the ground.

Angelina scored.


Fred hit a Bludger right at Warrington, who dropped the Quaffle right into Alicia's hands and she put it past the Keeper.


If Harry got the Snitch now, they'd win the Cup. Amisty watched him closely, not looking away until she felt a burning gaze on her face.

She looked around, confused, as she struggling to find the source. Malfoy caught her gaze, finally a few feet away from Harry, whose eyes were darting around feverishly.

She turned away, still furious with his entire team's tactics.

Was it him who was doing them? No. But was it easier to pin the blame on him when she was already upset? Yes.

The blonde scowled, chasing after Harry who had darted away at the time of their silent conversation.

He threw himself forward, grabbing Harry's broom tail and pulling it back. Amisty wrestled her way out of Hermione and Ron's grasp, panting as she felt the familiar tingling.

Her ears were ringing, drowning out all night, and she couldn't stop herself from shaking violently. Teeth scraped together, heat rushing through her veins, red tinting her vision, of which was focused on the tiny scarlet and emerald dots.

"AMISTY!" Finally, she felt Hermione's arms shaking her and Ron, in her moment of confusion, shoved her back into her seat. "Are you alright, are you going to transform?"

"I... I don't know," She whispered hoarsely, hands still shaking as she struggled to keep from losing it and the burning intensified.

The glow of her bracelet was almost blinding.

"Amisty, you have to keep calm, alright? You do want to see us win, right? You have to be there for it, and it is going to happen, right?" Ron reassured desperately, blue eyes wide with alarm.

"R-right," She nodded, taking a deep breath and relaxing.

With closed eyes, she let herself calm down.

"It's alright, it's okay, you can do this," Hermione whispered, her hands still wrapped around her wrists.

"Penalty! Penalty to Gryffindor! I've never seen such tactics!" Madam Hooch shouted, racing up to the two of them as Malfoy scooted back onto his own broom.

"YOU CHEATING SCUM!" Lee roared into the megaphone, jumping and twisting out of Professor McGonagall's grasp. "YOU FILTHY, CHEATING B -- "

There really wasn't a reason for all his moving around, Professor McGonagall was furious as well.

Alicia took the penalty, missing by several feet because of how furious she was. The Gryffindor team was starting to lose focus, and the Slytherins were pulling ahead.

"Slytherin in possession, Slytherin heading for goal -- Montague scores -- Seventy-twenty to Gryffindor..." Lee groaned.

Harry tailed Malfoy closely, blocking him whenever he tried to take a turn.

"Angelina Johnson gets the Quaffle for Gryffindor, come on, Angelina, COME ON!" Lee shouted desperately. Amisty's fingers were clenched tight around the edge of her seat as she leaned forward.

All the Slytherins, not including Malfoy, were speeding off toward Angelina to block her. Harry charged after them, eyes narrowed.

"AAAAAAARRRGH!" He shouted, barrelling through the crowd and scattering them.

Angelina scored.


Harry skidded to a stop midair, grinning down at Amisty, Hermione, and Ron, before shooting off toward the middle of the field. He had spotted the leaf crown, beaming. She pointed desperately over at the other end of the field, where Malfoy was rocketing off to the ground.

Harry's eyes went wide and he raced toward him, flattening down to the handle as Bole struck a Bludger toward him.

It didn't seem possible, it was too far away, and then Harry was just a blur of scarlet.

He reached Malfoy within seconds, knocking away the blonde's hands, and grabbing the Snitch tight in his grasp.

"YES!" He shouted victoriously as Draco yelled in frustration.

Amisty, Hermione, Ron and the other three-quarters of the stadium erupted into thunderous cheers, leaping out of their seats and screaming themselves hoarse and punching the air and hugging and crying and laughing.

Wood sped toward him, tears streaming down his face as he threw his arms around Harry and sobbed into his shoulder. Fred and George soon joined the hug, both smiling so widely they were almost glowing with happiness, and then there was Angelina, Katie, and Alicia.

"WE'VE WON THE CUP! WE'VE WON THE CUP!" They shouted as the team fell back down to the ground.

Amisty, uncaring about safety, hurtled over the seats and raced toward him, her throat sore and her eyes blurry with happy tears.

"Harry! Harry, you did it!" She shouted, stumbling into him and practically falling into his arms. "YOU DID IT!"

"Amisty..." He laughed, straightening her as their foreheads pressed together, grinning.

She threw her arms around him, kissing him on the cheek and squeezing him so tight she could hear him breathe. And then he was dragged away from her and lifted up into the air on the shoulders of the crowd.

"Yeh beat 'em, Harry, yeh beat 'em! Wait till I tell Buckbeak!" Hagrid roared, covered in head to toe with scarlet rosettes.

And Percy was there too, jumping up and down and shouting and grinning like no tomorrow.

Professor McGonagall was sobbing more than Wood was, mopping up her tears with a massive Gryffindor flag, the lion roaring in celebration.

Hermione and Ron finally caught up, both beaming as Harry was carried off to the stands, where Dumbledore was standing with the Cup in his hands. Wood, being the captain, was the first to grab the Cup, holding it over his head with a hoarse yell, before passing it over to Harry.

He shoved it up into the air, eyes brilliant and green and triumphant. Ron grabbed Hermione and Amisty by the shoulders, holding them tight. Amisty was grinning so widely she was surprised her cheeks hadn't broken. They had won!

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