"The letter we'd get telling us what House she got sorted in. We'd tell her all about her mom and the things we did when we were her age. The moments where we're afraid we messed up because she get's to the age where she doesn't want anyone's help. The happy moments, the sad ones, the angry ones. Everything."

Amisty swallowed, her throat suddenly tight and her eyes suddenly burning and wet. Draco had gone very still.

"I wanted Haven to be able to come down to visit us. Not for her to have to go into hiding with Amisty and never be able to fall in love. I wanted her to get married and be happy and have her own kids. She really wanted them, that's why she loved Amisty so much.

"I wanted that! Not for her to get... to get killed. I wanted a full, happy family," He broke off, staring into his drink. "And I've just gone and ruined it."

Madam Rosmerta stayed silent, though she made no move to fill his empty glass. Amisty glanced around, no one else seemed to pay the crying man any heed.

She didn't know if she was annoyed or glad.

"We had it all planned out, you know? Echo knew exactly what we were going to do the month before Amisty came home from her first year. She was going to go out and get a husky puppy as a surprise for her. But that never happened, of course," He let out a bitter laugh, wiping his eyes. "I'm a mess... I think I'm just going to go back home now. Thanks, Rosmerta, for everything."

"Anytime, dear," She looked just on the verge of tears herself, the smile she gave far too small. And so Noel stood up, adjusted his cloak, and walked back out into the street.

Amisty sat there on the floor, having trouble to work up the nerve to come back up. Guilt, like she had never felt before, had settled in her stomach, flooding her thoughts and weighing down her heart.

She felt tears run down her cheeks, and whenever she breathed it came out as a meek sniffle.

"Amisty?" Draco whispered softly, sticking his head under the table. "Are you okay?"

She turned away, wiping at her eyes furiously and cracking a small, wry smile, "Not a big deal. I don't care."

He sat there quietly, occasionally making the move to talk and then breaking off.

Amisty, her heart clenched, got up and started toward the door. She didn't know why her silence had affected her so much, but it did, and it stung more than Noel's admittance.

"Thanks, Draco, really," She smiled once more, only a few more steps from the door. Five, four, three --

"You Gryffindors and your emotions!" He groaned dramatically before realizing what he'd just done and going pale. "Merlin... I didn't -- Amisty -- I just -- "

Amisty, though, started laughing. He got up, looking positively mortified but relieved that she hadn't worsened, and walked over to her.

Tears still rolling down her cheeks, she let herself be led back to where they had been sitting. This time Draco sat down next to her.

"I-I'm sorry... I don't know what's come over me and I completely ruined this entire thing, a-and now I'm just sitting here sobbing for the... I think the fourth time this year, twice in front of you..." Her voice trailed off as she kept swiping at her eyes, the act itself useless as her hand was soaked.

She wiped it on the jeans she had borrowed, unsurprised to see they had darkened where she touched it.

"There's nothing wrong with crying," He commented softly, looking at her sideways.

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