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"my mom asked me to put my favorite things on a list, guess what? i put you there."

(heyyyy, i think it's about time that i give clues about who i am! clue 1: i'm nearer than you think.)


"do you know who's been giving this?" jimin pouted at taehyung, his bestfriend. they were sitting at a table with the circle of friends.

"no, sadly. sorry ji-ji." taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned on his shoulder, pouting.

"how about you, hoseok? do you have any idea of who could be sending these in?" jin asked the boy who was playing with his cheeks.

"uh–no! not a single...idea...thought of who it" they looked at each other in silence for a good 5 minutes before jimin sulked.

"aw man, sucks. well then, i guess i have to deal with h." he laughed as he stood up.

"thanks guys! tae and i have to go, see you tomorrow?" they nodded and bid their goodbyes.

"bro, you okay?" namjoon patted hoseok's shoulder as he was blushing really hard.

"huh? what? yes! of course! why wouldn't i be?" he mentally scolded himself for acting so weird today.

"damn, jeezus. take a chill pill dude!" namjoon laughed, jin leaning on his shoulder.

"haha, yeah. i really should." he mumbled to himself.

"how near though? xx"

surprise surprise mothertruckers

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