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Sunday, 7:12 am

I'm awoken suddenly by a sharp yank on my wrist, my eyes shoot open to see Jake hovering over me with a tight grip on my arm.

"What the hell is this?" He asks, referring to the jacket I'm wearing, Tyler's jacket. I turn my head to the side and stare at the wall, trying to avoid his eyes at all costs, like I'm supposed to.

"It's nothing." I attempt to keep my words calm and steady, but my voice cracks in the middle. He harshly jerks my arm again, eliciting a sharp cry from me.

"Damn right it's nothing," Jake scowls at the jacket that's sliding off my shoulders, his eyes burning holes in the clothing. He smacks my cheek, not hard enough to hurt me, but enough to make a point.

"It is nothing, it means nothing, he means nothing. He doesn't care about you like I do, baby." Jake starts his sentence roughly, but his words get softer near the end as he releases my wrist.

I keep silent as he brings his hand to my face, gently holding my jaw and rubbing his thumb on the cheek he smacked.

Jake leans down and nuzzles his face into my neck, kissing it lightly. "You know I need you." His hot breath burns my neck, I nod to let him know I understand.

"Then why do you spent so much time with them?" Jake barks, referring to my friends. He pins my arms to the bed with his hands and lifts his head, staring daggers at me.

I try to blink away the tears in my eyes threatening to fall, and shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut.
"I'm sorry..." I choke out, my voice weak and shaky.

I only realize I stated crying when Jake lets go of my left wrist to wipe the wetness from my cheeks. I try to turn my face away, but he locks his hand on my jaw, keeping it facing him.

"You're only doing this to yourself. If only you'd listen to me, then maybe they wouldn't make you feel this way; Miserable, weak, lonely, betrayed?" Jake's voice is calm, but there's a trace of hatred, weaved into the sentence like a spiderweb.

My crying turns into sobs, I can hardly breathe and I can't see with the tears flooding my eyes. I've lost most feeling in my right hand from Jake's death grip on my wrist, thousands of invisible needles stabbing into my hand. My chest is convulsing with emotion and my stomach feels like someone's tied a corset around my waist and laced it tight enough to deform my organs.

I keep muttering 'sorry, sorry, sorry' until my mouth is moving, but only silence escapes.

"Stop crying. It makes you look sloppy." Jake scowls, venom dripping from every word. He pulls his hands away from my wrist and face, climbing off of me completely. He grabs my phone and takes a few photos of me, his mouth turning upwards in a sly smirk.

I can hear footsteps before he exits the room, aggressively slamming the door behind him; Leaving me alone and sobbing, apologizing to no one.

*Third Person*

Jake frowns as he unlocks his boyfriends phone, going straight to his contacts. I look of disgust laces his features as he scans the names listed.

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