
629 22 44


Saturday, 2:26 am

2:26 AM

You awake?
2:27 AM

2:29 AM
What's up
2:29 AM

I've just been having trouble sleeping lately
2:30 AM

I drank a monster about 5 mins ago so I won't be sleeping anytime soon
2:31 AM

Can we drive somewhere?
2:43 AM

Where to?
2:44 AM

2:45 AM

Away from people
2:45 AM

I'll pick you up in 10 minutes
2:46 AM

Thanks Ty
2:47 AM

I turn my phone off after I read Evans last text and climb out of bed, walking to my closet. I pick up my large backpack and shove a couple blankets in, with two pillows.

I open the closet door and grab the first shirt I see, slipping it on, along with an old pair of shoes. While I remember, I also pick up two jackets; for me and Evan; My favorite for him.

He always forgets his jacket.

On that thought, I close my closet door and step out of my room, walking down the hallway.

I pick up my car keys off of the coffee table and head out my front door, locking it on the way out.

My truck is parked right in front of my apartment, so I don't have to walk far.

Climbing into my truck, I let out a sigh.
Evan usually needs me to drive him away from his place, to get away from his problems for a while.

Shutting the truck door, I turn on the ignition and back out of the parking spot.


I shiver as the cold winter air hit my arms; I ran out before I could grab my jacket, but I'm not going back in there. Jake was having another fit and getting too close for comfort.

I can hardly think straight, I've been drinking; I'm not drunk, just a little tipsy.

Jake has been drinking too.
He always gets drunk on weekends, and he always gets angry when he's drunk.

I walk down the sidewalk and sit on the curb, pulling my knees to my chest, I sigh.

I can't believe Tyler does these things for me, getting up in the middle of the night, driving for hours just to end up right back here.

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