You don't seem like one to be interested in cars. Pfft.

Without missing a beat, I smiled back largely. I flattered my eyelids. "I hope you continue to develop your knowledge of cars more so than you seem to develop your fucking fat ego".

"Ah-" his voice trailed off as a deep voice clears their throat behind him.


"I just need you to sign these papers here. We'll let you know once we get it all ready. We'll do a checkup on the car for good measure" I told the woman in front of my desk. She was about my age, blonde with a sunny personality. She reminded me of Calista except for the constant swearing as she told me the story of the dent in her car.

I left her in the office to sign the papers. Looking through the files in the garage, I punched in 'Rose - Blue 70's Volkswagon Beetle by Monday' to a date card.

As I placed the card back in the drawer, I hear a sweet laugh, chuckle, giggle of sorts from the back of the garage. I looked through the window to the office to check on the customer to see her answering a phone call. Thinking it may be another customer, I walked down the garage.

As I approached the back of the garage, the first thing I saw; black boots. Shiny black Doc Martens casing Amazonian legs. Second, I saw a sweet denim-clad ass. When I walked around the car blocking the rest of the customer's body, I instantly recognised the curly black hair, the womanly figure sheathed in merely a black tank top and Daisy Dukes.

It's Jaida.

At the club, when I was bartending to fill in for a friend, I was intent on getting the extra money for the summer. I was wiping the bar top when some woman had ordered six tequila shots. After placing the shots on a tray for the lady, my eyes wandered to her. She was sitting on a bar stool waiting for her friend, her eyes observing the club scene. 

She was beautiful.

Her legs seemed a mile long in boots that ran up to her thigh. Her curvy and slim body was showcased in a silk dress that could bring a man down to his knees. I was halfway there when I caught a glimpse of her face. Too good to be true, she was a goddess.

Her friend had approached her with the tray of four empty tequila shots and placed two shots in her hands. She tipped her head back and downed them. She used her index finger to wipe off the remnants on her bottom dark lip and sucked on the finger so sensuously that I felt a twitch in my jeans. 

My eyes were on her all night as she danced, laughed, and drank. She was distracting me. I tended to customers and the bar throughout the rest of my's shift, all while supporting a semi.

I was cleaning a cocktail glass when I noticed the time on my watch. My shift ended a few minutes ago. I was cleaning the last few glasses when I'd heard someone clear their throat behind me. Placing the glass on the shelf, I'd turned around to her.

With a closer look, she looked even more beautiful than I'd expected.

I noticed that she was also surveying me. Her eyes roamed over my face and then the top half of my body seen over the bar. I stood still as I watched with curiosity and amusement. She was checking me out, yes but the way she had bent over the bar - sexily I must add - to look at the rest of me, told me that she was something else.

"I felt the need to blush after that," I said smirking, but truth was that I did, in fact, have to suppress the blush rising up my chest. Her gaze was unnerving, to say the least.

She chuckled at my comment. The sound was so sweet and short but it left a ringing in my head.

When she introduced herself and said my name, She rolled the letters off her tongue. No one had ever said my name so sexily. It was hot. Her saying my name was turning me on even more.

By the time we had reached my car, I was ready to take her against the hood. But, when she started taking an interest in my car, it led to a get-to-know one another conversation in the car. 

"Where did your interest in cars come from?"

"Oh, I-er don't remember," she said frowning. "I've always loved cars. I don't know how to drive but you don't need to know how to draw to appreciate the art," she said winking at me.

I liked her. She was enchanting. 

But, I noticed she was hesitant to answer some of my questions even when I'd replied to hers compliantly. The twitching in my pants subsided for the rest of the car ride.

When she had left me at the front of my doorstep, I wasn't disappointed. I figured she wasn't one to have one night stands, although I don't think one night would have been enough for me. I'd built up a hunger that night, one that only Jaida could satiate. Otherwise, I figured she had simply changed her mind on me.

Either way, I wasn't sure what to think when I approached her and Eric talking in the garage.

She was flirtatiously smiling at him. Eric was absolutely taken by her. Of course, he was, this woman was breathtaking. 

When I saw her talk to him, I felt my blood boil. Shades of red flashed through my eyes.

I'd only met her last night but I unknowingly felt I had a claim on her. I didn't realise till I frowned in confusion at the anger rising in me. I was ready to pee on Jaida like a dog marking his territory on a fire hydrant. 

She was mine. I had claimed her in my eyes. I don't know her. She is practically a stranger to me but her eyes just expressed life and excitement that had me in a trance. I knew she was more than a fling once she named my Impala.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I cleared my throat.


Sincerely, JaidaWhere stories live. Discover now