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[ Y/N - your name M/N - middle name L/N - last name F/C - fav color H/C - hair color]

Beep! Beep! Beep!

You groan slowly and smack your right hand onto the off button. It's another day. At least you're still alive. But... You're moving. A sad time for anyone; leaving friends, and having to adjust to a new setting and new people. It's Friday, 8 AM and you need some breakfast in your stomach before you want to think about the stresses of "new".

Your blanket is so soft though, so warm. Especially in this winter cold. Halloween and Thanksgiving just passed by and Christmas is just around the corner. Your parents have already gotten up a while ago since your dad gets up early for his job as a normal cubical worker. ( Tbh I don't know anything about that job, so just go with it. ) Your mother's footsteps are coming closer to your door as you can hear. The door opens with a squeak and she hovers over you for a second. You just want to stay asleep forever, and you're almost asleep until your mother walks over to your window and yanks the curtains open. The sun glares in and even with your eyes close, you can see the bright sudden light and you squeeze your eyes tight.

"Hey, honey, you awake? C'mon you've really got to help me today, we have a lot to do," She says as she puts a hand on your shoulder, shaking you gently. A mothers touch. It's what really makes her your mom. But then again, you do have a little brother. His name's Robby. His light brown hair and green eyes have got him swooning the kids back in his old school, all of his features are from his father, even the fact that he's a mama's boy. He hasn't gotten up yet, though. "Is Robby awake yet?" You ask, opening your eyes to the sun, running a hand through your {H/C} hair.

"Nope, he's still in bed, and if you want me to get him up, I'll just-" She cuts off when you bolt off to his room. He's on the other side of the house. You've lived here forever, that's another thing that'll sadden you, but you also can't wait to see the new house ( described to you from your mom as "beautifully FILLED with space" ). You slow down in front of his door, quietly opening it and sneaking next to his bed. You scare him awake with a grab of his arms and a simple 'boo!'. He screams and you laugh, your mother laughing silently in your room at the sound of the pure joy from you. He sighs and smiles as you fall onto your knees laughing.

Robby loves his big sis, you're always there for him when no one else is. But, being a teen isn't very helpful, things like movies and malls can separate you two easily. No matter where you are though, he's knowing that you'll still love him when you get back.

He throws off his sheets and tackles you, he's a lightweight that'll sure be a hit with the kids in the new town, what was it, Hawkins? It's not too far away, but your mothers trying to get a job, since you and Robby are old enough to take care of yourselves. She's thinking of being a simple cashier. Robby and you have a slight wrestling session and you win again, as always. You get up and you both go on your merry way, you going to your room to get dressed and Robby stays in his room to do the same. 

 You get dressed and when you slip on your shoes you feel confident as you walk to the kitchen for some breakfast. Your mother sets your plate down as soon as you walk into the room. Robby's munching isn't the only thing you hear Because The radio's 'top hits of this year' is playing, with your mom dancing to the beat. You grab a piece of bacon off of the plate, taking a delicious bite. "Thank you for the breakfast mom," you say as she grabs Robby's plate and washes it in the sink. "You're welcome {Y/N}," she says as she finishes Robby's plate and puts it into a box wrapped in newspaper. You don't sit down, but stay standing up. You and your family know that if you sit down, you're gonna feel sleepy and fall asleep at the table. Don't ask, it was a wild easter. Rob thanks your mom too, and you continue to eat.

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