3. Reminisce

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It was another day in the Uchiha's den-house, rather. Sasuke has spent most of his days exercising to keep his muscles in tune if ever something happened, which was doubtful. But over the years wisdom has dawned upon him that it pays to be always alert and ready. Having finished his morning routine and having washed off the sweat from his body, he continued to go to another part of his daily routine, reading. Yes, that's right. He was now reading, and willingly at that. But these papers he read upon were not the ones like what Kakashi has encouraged him to read. These were from the history of his clan. The Hokage has brought upon herself to not deny him his right to his clan's properties. But it was not yet time to fully give him all what is his.

Settling in the sofa, scrolls and books scattered around the table, he continued to where he left off. Meanwhile, somewhere in town, Hinata was strolling through town. And it pays to get some fresh air before going back to work. It has been a week since their first encounter and well, it sorta didn't go as planned but it went satisfactory anyway.


Hinata spun her head towards the location of the voice, "Kiba-kun! Shino-kun! Akamaru-kun! It has been a while. How have you been?"

The three jogges towards her, delighted to see their friend well.
"We just came from a mission." Shino calmly said. Though it might not see through his shades and clothing, it was obvious to his voice that he was glad to have spoken to her. "Do you want to go have lunch together? We miss you already, y'know." declared Kiba. Akamaru chimed in barking and wagging his tail, delighted to have Hinata ruffle his ears.
"Oh it would be a pleasure, Kiba. But I have to get to Uchiha-san today, besides, I am sure both of you are tired. I'll try to ask for the Hokage's permission to go have a leave." Hinata wasn't sure whether the Hokage would give her permission to do so, but knowing that the newly appointed Hokage, which was Kakashi, he would probably let her enjoy herself.

They bid their goodbyes to each other," Next time, okay?" Kiba shouted as they walked away. Hinata felt a warm feeling embrace her. It has always been a delight to be with her friends. They stood next to her as family after all. Breathing in, she still had a task at hand. Carrying the baskets of vegetables and meat, she headed towards her mission.


His face was a mixture of untamed annoyance and disapproval. After reading and reading he now had a headache. He needed to rest for now. Leaning his head back and letting his eyes close, he began to relax as he listened to the breeze outside. The chirping of birds and the distant chattering of people from afar. A festival, huh. Well not really a festival, it was a celebration to the recent election of the new hokage. In all honesty, he couldn't remember when was the last time he has gone to a festival. Sure there must be a lot of food stalls and parlor games, but most importantly there would be entertainment. His thoughts was disturbed as he felt a certain presence approach. Having been near her for a few days now he has gotten used to her presence. Well, not in a good way but it was tolerable atleast.

Two knocks.
As he thought that, there it came, two soft knocks on his door.

He thought, then there was the opening of the door. He didn't look towards the door to acknowledge her presence. Not that he wanted to, and not that the Hyuuga needed the acknowledgement.
Softly she entered, removed her sandals and lightly bowed to him, and softly she spoke, "Good morning. I am sorry to intrude."

He didn't mind to answer her. It was normal for then now, to just go along their routine. Not really minding the other's business. She would go about her way, cook for him, do the dishes, sweep away the dust and water the plants around the home and he would just do his routine everyday. And that was okay.

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