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New iMessage to Rhea.

Marley: rhea france.

Marley: i'm going to murder your entire family.

Rhea: what are you talking about..?

Rhea: what did I do this time? 😂


Marley: "I think devan has a thing for blonde girls."

Marley: you and Collins making a group chat with me and devan.

Marley: eventually adding alex and Jacob, telling them what this "top secret plan" is, but me and devan are still oblivious.

Marley: this top secret plan has to do with me and him, doesn't it???

Rhea: wow, you're a smart one 🤗

Marley: what are you trying to do rhea?

Marley: I swear if you told devan anything...

Rhea: I didn't, trust me. he's completely oblivious just like you

Marley: so what is this stupid thing all about then?

Rhea: ...

Marley: tell me, rhea.

Rhea: the girl that Collins is trying to set devan up with is you 😬

Marley: what.

Marley: why even.


Marley: no he doesn't lol.

Rhea: smh

Rhea: yes he does

Marley: no he doesn't. he does not like me.

Rhea: marley. he likes you. he told Collins himself

Marley: you and collins are trying to set us up... why?

Rhea: because you like him too

Marley: no i don't.

Rhea: yes you do

Marley: no i don't.

Rhea: yes you do. you said it yourself

Marley: i was joking.

Marley: i don't like devan.

Marley: i mean maybe like a celebrity crush type thing. but i don't like him.

Rhea: what?



sorry for the lack of updates guys :( i've been really sick and i'm just getting over it, and i've kinda been obsessing over tommy howell... but we don't need to talk about that 😂

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