Chapter 5

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The next day, we took a trip to Varadero, where we were supposed to just see few sites. I felt much better for some reason. I hadn't even realised how much I needed to know how much time I had until I left the room. One year. It was enough time for me seen as I already crushed on him. But him on the other hand I didn't know. Well he wouldn't hate me as much then.
Liam sat in front, Victoria showing curtesy of showing up, gripping on Liam, that clearly paid no attention to her. I appreciated that at least. I was with Stacy, who was silently fuming at the two in front, while I tried to cheer her up so we could take some pictures. The guide didn't seem to care that no one was really paying attention to him, and kept talking at the top of his lungs, mostly directed at me because I kept smiling.
Finally, we got to the Delfinario. I couldn't wait to step out of the car. Soon as I did, I walked way forward, leaving the rest behind. I grabbed Stacy by the arm, and when we were finally out of earshot, I turned towards her.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes which I could still see even though she was wearing big shades.
"Are you blind?" she asked referring to Victoria's absurd behaviour. I rolled my eyes and dismissed it with a hand.
"You can't let them ruin your stay for you. We've both never been here, please let's enjoy this for now." I begged taking her hand.
"You know this isn't temporary for you right? He literally is permanent, and at this rate with her as well." She pointed out.
"I know. I just don't want to think about it now." I pulled her arm again giving her puppy eyes. I clapped as soon as she nodded.
"I feel like I gave you too much positivity." She sighed with a smile. I grinned, and we went ahead with our trip. It was my first time seeing them, and I enjoyed every moment.
By the time we were on our last trip, everyone was exhausted. Except me. It was in a cave, and no one wanted to go in, it was getting a bit late, and the guide wanted to go with me, since I was still the only enthusiast. Stacy raised an eyebrow at him. She didn't like him, and looked at Liam. He didn't look like a rapist to me if that's what they meant. Liam came anyway.
It wasn't so dark inside though, it had a lot of tree roots hanging in. I turned around to Liam, who was right behind me. We stopped , and the guide told us to look around. I did, and that's when it hit me that maybe he was bored because he had already been here. So I turned to him, noticing the guide himself was already busy on his phone.
"How many times have you been here?" I asked him hoping he wouldn't be cold. he turned his attention to me.
"Five times. " he answered staring at me his eyes looking captivated. I'm sure he didn't do it intentionally with his intense eyes, but they just trapped my breath. I raised my eyebrows at the number.
"In this same cave?"
"No, just Havana, Business." He replied looking towards the guide. I let out a breath, and understood his boredom. I decided then, that it was time we returned home. I walked forward, and stopped when he looked back at me. His eyes, looked in confusion, and came closer to me until we were just inches away. My eyes widened, and I stopped breathing. He leaned in, still gazing in my eyes, and looked at my shoulder. He raised a hand, and I could feel my heart going at a 100,and heat rising up my cheeks. He slowly took something off my shoulder, and leaned back holding a tarantula. He stepped away from me, and dropped it on the floor.
I breathed, and watched him walk back to me.
"Thank you." I said putting a hand over my chest to slow it down.
"What did you think I was going to do?" he asked like he already knew what I was thinking at that moment. I looked at him like he couldn't be worse.
"Okay guys, time to head back." The guide said clapping his hands. I had a little jump from his loud clap, and followed him, without having another glance at Liam.
Back outside, Stacy was on the phone while shooting daggers at Victoria, who was busy making talk with a young guy, clearly flirting.
"I have to leave tomorrow." Stacy announced once we were at the hotel.
"Duty calls finally catching up huh?" I asked shaking my head at her. She was always going somewhere, even though her dad was getting tired of taking care of their five spa resorts alone. They were really known, and he wanted her to start expanding, but his daughter had something else in plan, like travelling the world before hitting 25, which she is doing well so far, only her age was catching up, and she was still left with a dozen countries.
"Yup, my old man misses me. But I'll be back as soon as possible." She promised hugging me.
"You don't have to. I will survive." I said smiling reassuringly. She nodded looking sceptical as hell. She was going to be back alright. I thought.
We spent the rest of the evening together, and after saying goodbye, I left to my own room. I opened the door, and instantly regretted it. I could see him on the balcony, with Victoria on his laps, as she ate grapes, laughed at something she said, and he had a small smile on his lips. I took deep breaths, and got in. I felt eyes on me, but I ignored them. I took my suitcase and left to the reception, hoping for a spare room. There was a standard room available, and I moved in. I crumbled to the floor as soon as I closed the door. I got in bed, and closed my eyes. It was like having a high school crush tell you they hated you even though they never spoke to you just because no one else liked you either. My tears wet my pillow, as I slowly slipped into sleep.
A week passed after Stacy left and I had calmed down. I was ready to face him again, and ignore Victoria. I did two French braids on my hair for a beach day, and wore a short jeans skirt, and a white shirt with some sandals. I couldn't remember the last time my legs saw the daylight, and I wasn't showing them because I wasn't comfortable with Liam. Now I knew he didn't care so much about me so I don't think he was going to glance at me. My emotions were all over the place whenever I was around him, and I hated it.
I took a beach tote bag, and headed down there after applying some sunscreen. It was a small private beach, and there were just a few people. I walked a bit about, getting stares like I was the only one wearing something short, and grabbed a beach chair with an umbrella. I spotted Liam a bit in front, and there was no sign of Victoria. Getting a guy to reserve my seat for me, I walked forward to wet my feet and it was so refreshing, I almost didn't hear someone approach me.
I raised my head at the mention of my first name. my eyes widened at who was standing near me. Tall, lanky, brown eyes and blonde haired Juan.
"Juan?" I asked still not sure.
"Si honey." He nodded smiling. I screamed and hugged him.
He laughed hugging back. "What are you doing here?" I asked breaking away from him but still holding his arms.
"I've been travelling. " he said staring at me and cocking his head to the side. "I see you are still beautiful, after high school." He paused. "What are you doing here?" he asked back.
I blinked and remembering, I let go off his hands and thought about what to say. "I'm a tourist with my boyfriend."
He frowned at the last word. I couldn't say fiancé because I didn't have a ring, and he would eventually meet Liam so.
"Why would he leave you alone, with all the predators then?" he asked putting his arms around my shoulders, and turning me for a walk.
"We had a really bad fight, and he's bitter about it. " I lied, not believing my ears. He seemed to believe though.
"It must have been really bad to leave you alone. " he said looking around. I missed him and his cocky self.
"You haven't changed a bit. " I changed topic smiling at him.
"You on the other hand, look more beautiful and sexier than ever." He said smirking, like I didn't just mention that I had a boyfriend. I rolled my eyes.
"Well that's not what everyone thought back then." I said remembering those horrid days. I cringed at the thought.
"Well maybe you should have worn skirts like what you're wearing now." He smiled at me when I blushed.
"Enough about me. What have you been up to?" I asked.
We spoke a bit about him while sitting, because I was tired. I told him about my family's business. He had a foundation to help sexually exploited children, and he focused on Latin America. He was here for that same reason, and he started a charity for little homeless kids.
"Juan Carlo the humanitarian. I'm proud of you." I said siling and ruffling up his hair like I used to do. He chuckled, and looked behind him, then back at me.
"What?" I asked looking back, then I spotted Liam standing just a few feet from us. He didn't look amused.
"Is that your guy?" he asked making a move to get up. I held his hand down.
"Yes, and he doesn't look happy. You don't want to go just yet." I said shaking my head. He cocked his head and flipped one of my braids in my face. I glared at him, and he chuckled.
"It's okay, let's go say hi." He said getting up, and dusting himself off. He gave me a hand and helped me up.
"Hey I'm Juan, high school friend." He said giving out his hand. I closed my eyes, knowing he was going to be left hanging and he was. Liam just looked at him, and nodded. I looked at Juan then, who wasn't giving up still.
"So, I wanted to invite you guys, at an event my people are organising. Apparently there will be dancing too." He said looking at me. I shook my head at him smiling. He knew I liked dancing, we both used to teach students in high school, and it was the only place I felt comfortable. Remembering who he was talking to, he looked back at Liam and raised his eyebrows.
"Table for three then?" he asked
"For four." I internally rolled my eyes at the voice coming close. Victoria stood by Liam so close, she had an eyebrow raise from Juan. He looked at Liam, then me. I just shrugged looking away. He shrugged too. "Okay then. For four. It's a formal event, but just look decent." He said looking at what Victoria was wearing, while saying the last part of his sentence. She wore shorts that exposed almost everything, and a skimpy tank top. I shivered, and quickly looked at other people when she glared at me.
"I'm going to steal her away for sometime if you don't mind. We still have some catching up to do. " he continued then grabbed my hand without waiting for Liam's reply, and pulled me away.
"Who the hell is that?" he asked as soon as we were far enough.
"He said it's an ex."
"He brought an ex, on your trip?" he asked stopping in tracks. I didn't answer. He took my hand, and turned me towards him. "Is this a healthy relationship?" he asked now serious.
"Yeah, of course." I answered nodding.
"I mean is he abusive?"
"Do you really think I would still be here if he was? I'm not a weakling you know. No he has never touched me in a bad manner. She's just a fly, and now that we are fighting, he's using her as payback." I said so clearly it came out true like the truth I wanted to him to believe. He stared at me for a long time, then cracked into a smile.
"You must have done something then for him to use an ex. But don't worry, we can make our own little thing." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I shook my head and face-palmed him.
"That's just going to make things worse, besides he didn't call her, she happened to be here as well." I added.
He pulled one of my braids, and nodded. "Wear something nice then, you might be dancing." He said smirking.
"I will look ugly as hell, and shout your name to disgrace you. Carlito." I said teasing him with his nickname I gave him in high school.
He rolled his eyes, and we kept walking.
Later in the evening, I was deliberating on what to wear. He said formal, yet there was dancing. I really didn't want to engage in that though what with Liam who was going to be there. Or not. I wasn't even sure, so I left my room, and knocked at his door. He opened the door, and I smiled ignoring his tired look.
"Will you be coming?"
"Later." He said, and I nodded.
"See you there." I said giving a quick smile, and walking away. I called Juan once I was in my room.
"Can you come pick me up?"
"Boyfriend still pissed huh?"
"Are you coming or not?" I asked again tired of his tease.
"I am. We can get it started before them." I could literally hear the smirk on his face when he said that.
"Keep your mind shut Juan, get yourself a girlfriend."
He chuckled. " I did, they all left because they couldn't deal with my humour"
"Which is horrible, I don't know how you did it in high school." I said wondering for real, his jokes could be so blunt and bad sometimes. I only laughed because of the faces he would make.
"I was nice, and handsome. Still am"
"You were nice. I'm not sure about the second part though."
"That's not how you should be speaking to your ride."
"Just be here on time Carlito." I said cutting the line before he could add something else.
I picked a black midi long sleeve bodycon dress. It was the only formal thing I had. It didn't have a lot of details, apart from the v neckline which wasn't as low as what Victoria put on. I put it on, got my heels and let my hair down. I went downstairs once I got a text from Juan.
"You look nice." He said soon as I was in the car. I rolled my eyes. "You would say that even if I wore rags."
"That's me." He said pecking my cheek. I swear, I couldn't remember him being this flirty in high school. I mean he was then, but not really with me. He was more sweet than flirty. I shrugged at the thought. He drove chatting with me, and making me laugh. As soon as we got our seats, he told me about the dance, and wouldn't take no for an answer. We were competing with another couple who were apparently the best. The winner would get a 1000 dollars, and Juan wanted to give it out. I stood up just because of the prize that would go to the kids. I didn't know what I was getting myself to. It was meant to be sexy salsa. The 'sexy' in that wasn't right to me.
"Don't worry, your boyfriend isn't around yet. Besides it's only a five minutes dance, the couple with the most visible best moves wins." He said smiling. I glared at him knowing he just wanted to get back at Liam for being rude to him earlier, but I shook my head because there was nothing to get back at. He didn't care about me.
Well at least that's what she knew from the way he was behaving. Soon as the music was on, Juan grabbed her waist, and pulled her closer to him. She was surprised at the sudden move, and he winked. She blushed a little, because she hadn't been held by the waist by another guy other than her ex-boyfriend. He took her hand, and moved to the beat. From the distance, what she hadn't noticed, was that Liam had actually showed up and this time without Victoria annoying the hell out of everyone. They had already walked him to his seat, and he was there when the music started, and Juan held her waist. He frowned at the whole scene. Not at the dance, because it was clear Skylar could move her waist and hips so seductively, everyone clapped at them, even he was impressed, and he couldn't help but notice her curves in the little black dress she wore. It was the way he looked at her. He might have said that he was a friend, but his eyes and body language were telling another story. Liam wasn't blind to that. Skylar didn't seem to notice though he thought. He simply stared as everyone clapped, when it was over. She was smiling, but it was quite clear she didn't like the attention while Juan still held her waist and bowed. That idiot. He thought. Skylar, discretely took his hands off her waist, and held it instead. He smiled at that and that's when she caught his eyes.
As soon as I saw him, I realised maybe I shouldn't have been dancing this way with another guy on a stage. He didn't look pissed though.
"I'm going to sit down." I whispered to Juan. I think he also noticed Liam at the table.
"What about the prize?" he asked still holding onto my hand. I let it go, and smiled at him. "You are a big boy Carlito, I'm sure you can take a prize by yourself." I said and he playfully glared. I got off the stage, and sat by him.
"Hey. Thanks for coming." I said smiling, and to my utter shock, he returned it with a small smile. My heart skipped a beat. I kept smiling, and looked on the stage as they handed the check to Juan. I clapped, and watched as he came back to sit.
"Hey man, you came." He said to Liam sitting across us.
"As you can see." He replied not even looking at him. Juan looked at me, and I shrugged. He was fine just a few seconds ago. He looked at the empty seat then. "Where is our fourth person?" he asked.
"I don't know." He said again, taking out his phone. This time I looked at Juan rolling my eyes.
"Sorry I'm late." I heard the voice from behind me. I made a face, and Juan held in a laugh by smiling at her. "Just asked about you pretty girl." He said winking at me, he got up to pull out her chair, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Liam staring at him.
"How was your day?" he asked in Spanish once she sat down.
"I don't speak Spanish." She replied getting a drink off a passing tray.
"Oh so you're American. "
"Yes I am."
"I don't believe I introduced myself properly last time we met. I'm Juan." He introduced himself shaking her hand.
" Victoria." She replied. They began talking, Victoria flirty again as I understand that's just how she communicates.
Liam looked indifferent, maybe she was really just an ex. Why she's around, I do not understand why. I turned to him then and feeling my movement, he looked at me.
"Mateo wants us to leave tomorrow." He said.
"Where to?" I asked trying not to look away from his gaze even though butterflies where dancing in my stomach.
"I don't know, but we should leave now. His flights are usually very early." He concluded finally looking in front of him. It was late but there was another show, with women dancing in costumes. The other two were surprisingly still talking, so I made a sign at Juan, and leaned over.
"We are going to leave, but you can both stay." I said and his face dropped.
"It literally just started."
"I'll text you, we have to solve something." I said and he nodded. I smiled at him, and turned to Liam. WE both got up, and Victoria didn't look our way even once. Outside, he had a car waiting with a driver. He opened the door for me to get in once again surprising me.
I didn't know how far it was until now. The car was silent, and he was on his phone. I checked in my bag for mine, but there was nothing. I had left it in my room.
"Skylar" he called. I looked at him, and he was handing his phone in, the screen read 'Bisabuelo' great-grandad. I took it and answered.
"Ana Maria. You are leaving tomorrow." He said more like an order.
"Where?" I asked not even bothered about my new nickname anymore.
"Do you really want to know?" he asked teasing.
"Yes I do sir."
"No." he said, and I frowned. Then I remembered what he said about his name.
"I'm sorry. Where Mateo?" I rephrased, from the corner of my eye, I could see Liam shaking his head, understanding what was happening. I smiled at that.
"Honolulu honey. Honolulu. I met someone special there. "
"Let me guess." I said entertaining him.
"Take a wild one." I could tell he was smiling from the tone of his voice.
" Your wife."
"Ana Maria." I said and he chuckled.
"She looked so beautiful, she was on vacation with her family. We became friends once I knew she was getting back to Colombia. " he said, and I thought he would stop there, but he went on for about a minute. I looked at Liam, and he was already staring at me.
"Mateo." I said, and he stopped.
"Would you look at the time, I have to get some things done darling. I will call you sometime. Make sure you have your phone with you this time. " he warned.
"Oh and also" he continued
"Get back to your room." He said and cut the line. I slowly gave him his phone with a confused look. I know Liam didn't care enough to tell Mateo what was going. Did he have me followed? I thought. He probably did, I could feel my own heart beat slow down. What on earth was this stress? I thought. Looking at my hands, they hadn't been pink in a long time. I needed a run, but I'm not sure I could go out this late though.
As soon as the car stopped, I didn't wait for Liam, and just got into my room, packed my stuff, and took a shower. I know Mateo had said to get back to my room, but one more night shouldn't hurt besides I haven't heard Liam complain. I set my alarm early, and got in bed.

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