First Day Part One

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I groan as my alarm wakes me up, resisting the urge to go back to sleep I force myself to turn it off and make my way to the bathroom so I could shower.

I strip the clothes off my body and start the hot water. I brush my teeth while I wait for the mirror to steam up.

Once the mirror is almost covered in fog I step in the shower and let the hot droplets cascade over my skin.

"Hey Amy!" Alice's voice cause me to jump and almost fall in the shower.

"Wonderland, it's not even 7:30 yet!" I yell in response. Remembering I hadn't locked the bathroom door because I alone and have never needed to, I rinse the conditioner out of my golden hair and hop out. I wrap a towel around my body and hair before exiting the bathroom.

On my bed sits Alice. Great. When she notices my body is only being covered by a towel her eyes darken and she bites her lip.

"No," I say firmly and point to the door, "go wait on the couch. I'll be out in a minute."

"You're no fun," she whines before leaving me alone in my room once again.

I drop the towel and tug on a bra and some panties. I look through my clothes for a while before deciding on a simple white blouse with blue jeans and a brown leather jacket. On my way out if my room a grab a pair of brown, knee length boots.

"Okay, I'm ready," I say to Alice as I tug on the second boot.

"I'm not," she responds with a smirk.

"We're going to be late," I whine, "let's go."

"We have fifteen minutes until first bell," she says as she walks towards me.

"I still have to get my schedule," I point out. Grabbing her hand and my backpack I drag her to the door and shove her out before me. I turn around, lock the door and shove the key in my pocket.

"Elevator," I say roughly and shove her again.

"I like this demanding side of you," she says as the elevator doors open.

"Shut it," I say and slap my hand over her mouth.

She licks my hand, causing me to pull it away and give her a disgusted look, "You're three."

Alice let's out a full bellied laugh before simply stating, "I know."

She stays silent for a while, the only noise in the elevator being the music.

I decide to be the one to end the silence and talk about what we had been avoiding, "are we going to talk about what happened last night?"

"Sure," she says then states, "it was amazing."

"Yes it was," I respond, "but are we dating now?"

"We don't have to be," she says and slides a glance my way. I could tell what she was hoping my response would be.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend Wonderland?" I turn to look at her. I watch as her face lights up and she nods her head. I hold my arms out to catch her as she rushes towards me. I hadn't accurately judged how much speed she could pick up in this small space and now I was in trouble. The second her body collided with mine my back met the side of the elevator effectively trapping me.

"Seems like I've caught you," Alice's voice comes out in a low whisper. Her arms were on either side of me, her leg placed firmly between my own. The little devil started rubbing her knee back and forth eliciting a soft moan from my lips.

The elevator dings and we rip apart from each other as the doors open to reveal the ground floor along with a group of people waiting to ride the elevator. I glance over at Alice before grabbing her hand. I pull her out of the elevator and lead her through the lobby, out the doors and to her car.

"Off to school!" She says with mock excitement as she pulls out of the parking lot. I giggle as I reach over and grab her free hand. We sit in a peaceful silence all the way to the school, each of us sneaking glances at the other every once in a while.

"We're here!" Sh announces as she pulls into one of the closest parking spots, "perks of being early."

"Were totally not early," I say getting out of the car and gesture to the groups of students gathered around.

"Fair point. Perks of being the volleyball captain," she says shrugging her shoulders.

"You play volleyball?" I ask, thinking she was joking with me.

"I do and I'm really good at it," she says proudly sticking out her chin.

"You don't look like a volleyball player," I retort.

"And you don't look like a girl who knows how to build her own furniture and how to paint an entire mural in her bedroom," she says and gives me an 'I've got you now' look.

I glare at her as she sticks her tongue out like a child who just won an argument.

As we walk through the crowd I notice everyone is staring at us. "I don't like this," I say feeling uneasy. I walk closer to Alice, grabbing her arm. "Let's hurry Wonderland, everyone is staring at you and I don't like it," I whisper and push to quicken our pace.

"Hun, they aren't looking at me. You're the new kid and you're hot. They're looking at you," as soon as she says that I notice that everyone's eyes were on me and not on Alice. Dammit.

"Now I really don't like this," I tug on her shirt sleeve, "let's get inside."

"Damn girl, those are some nice jeans you've got on," the guy who said this taps his friend on the shoulder to get his attention before the punch line, "but they'd look better on my bedroom floor." The guy winks at me. I put my finger in my mouth and make a gagging noise which causes his group of cronies to burst into laughter.

I smirk as I turn to Alice, who to my surprise was looking at the group of boys like she was burying them already. I place my hand on her shoulder, attempting to get her attention, but all it did was cause her to shake it off. My head turns to the side and I give her a confused look. Her response was sticking her pointer finger out at me and running to the top of the steps.

She sticks two fingers on either side of her mouth and lets out a whistle effectively gaining the attention of all the students in the parking lot.

She takes a deep breath and shouts, "you see the blond-haired golden goddess over there!" As she points, all of the attention follows her finger and lands on me which causes my cheeks to heat up. I look down at my feet as she says the next part, "she's my girlfriend! So all of you," she gestures with her hands encompassing the whole crowd, "keep your grimy hands off! She's mine!" Satisfied with her speech she hops down and skips over to me.

"That was uh," I couldn't form the right words because I didn't know how to react. Should I be happy she just declared our relationship in front of the whole school? Or mad that she brought so much attention to me?

"Awesome," she fills in for me, "I know." She reaches down and entwined our fingers as we head into school.

"I need to head to the office Wonderland, I have to get my schedule," I say as I start to pull away from her and follow the signs that read 'office' with an arrow pointing in the direction I'm supposed to go.

I was expecting Alice to let go and head towards her first period, but she doesn't.

When we reach the office, I see my schedule placed neatly on the secretary's desk.

"Do I have to sign anything or can I just go?" I ask. The secretary looks up slowly and smiles.

"You can just grab n' go," she says. As we're walking out the door I hear her mutter to someone in the office, "this is so exciting! We never get new kids! Especially not ones as pretty as she is!"

The woman in the chair besides her responds with a snort and, "did you not notice her holding hands with Alice?"

To my disappointment when the door closed behind us I could no longer hear their conversation.

"Lemme see!" Alice whines as she yanks the schedule out of my hand.

"Sweet! We have all the same classes except second and fourth!" She hands my schedule back to me as she starts to lead me in the direction of the AP Biology classroom. "You're gonna love the teacher," she says as we push open the door to first period just as the first bell rings.

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