I like you

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He walked over to her slowly, afraid she might run off. Taking off his jacket he shyly handed it to her, explaining that it was cold. She took it with out hesitation and thanked him with such gratitude in her voice. It made him happy, she hadn't thought he was a creep and didn't find him repulsive in fact she had scooted closer to him and was getting cozy in his jacket. She's so cute, he thought to himself. His jacket was three sizes to big on her small shoulders and she had the sweetest smile on her face....Without warning she leaned over onto his shoulders. He had a spaz attack, his shoulders stiffened, he gasped, and nearly jumped out of his own skin.

'Relax I'm not going to rape you', she chuckled and it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever heard.

He tried to laugh to, but he was already getting hard and her little joke was giving him ideas.

'What's your name'?


'I like you Kirill', the words made him so happy it was almost overwhelming.

'I like you too', she could tell he was smiling as he said this and her heart fluttered

They talked for hours. He had laid down in the grass and she was curled up against him, her head on his chest. She hadn't said anything, but his heart had been beating erratically for hours now and still hadn't calmed down.  This made her even more excited. When she looked up she saw that the sun was coming up already. She frowned and sat up.

'I have to get inside before my parents wake up', she giggled

He was devasted, but knew she was right. He sighed, 'I know your probably sick of me...but can we hang out again sometime? I could take you on a real date if you wanted to...I know this wasn't exactly a ball'.

His words made her heart beat fast and a bright smile crossed her face. She was so happy she leaned In and kissed him on the cheek, 'of course'! He was stunned and in aw. She was amazing. She went to take of his jacket and hand it to him, but he refused insisting it was to cold outside and she should go in and get warm. She grinned happily and ran inside. When she made it to her room she flung herself on her bed. She couldn't think, it was all so new and exciting. She inhaled the scent of his jacket and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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