Chapter 10

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"Alright, settle down, class!" Mrs. Claire screamed. We being the naughty students, we continued talking in hushed voices. "Today is the day," she announced, "that I'll like to present to you, our school's annual talent show!" Everyone stared at her, snickering. If she was thinking that any of us were going to join, well then, she's wrong. "Don't worry, I've already picked out some students," she said smugly. Now we were worried. Who was she going to pick?

"Here is the list of the lucky students," Mrs. Claire said, waving a paper in her hands, "and I say lucky because you really are. Only the most prestigious students win." We rolled out eyes and I heard Cosette whispering something to Greyson behind me. "And the lucky students are....

"Abbygail and Greyson."


"What am I going to sing? I don't know what to sing! And now what? We still have our duet?!"Greyson paced about in my room restlessly. "Calm down, it's not the end of the world," I said, slipping a hand over his waist. "Why don't you sing Temptation?" He turned around to face me. "Do you think the judges would like it?" he asked. "Of course! And don't forget, I'll be backstage cheering for you," I replied. Greyson kissed me on the forehead. "That's what I love about you. So supportive," he smiled. Suddenly, we heard Mum's footsteps approaching. "Quick," I whispered, "hide!" Greyson looked around frantically. "Where?" He shout-whispered. "Anywhere. Under my bed. Now, go!" I urged. He looked at my bed doubtfully, then slid under it.

"Hi, Mum," I said nervously. "Why is there a pair of men shoes out there?" she frowned. "I-I don't know," I stuttered. "Quit it, Abby. Who's here?" Mum demanded. I sighed and gestured for Greyson to come out. He slid out and stood up. "Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand for Mum to shake. "And hello to you too," she replied, shaking his hand. Mum studied him carefully. "Why are you here?" she asked. "Oh, no, Madam, I can explain. We go to Curtis and school together," Greyson said politely. Mum raised an eyebrow. "Stay for dinner," she said and went down the stairs. "Yes!" I exclaimed, high-fiving with Greyson.

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