Chapter 6

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     I inhaled deeply as I passed by the music room. I'd had a long day, not to mention the lecture I got from Cosette for ditching her in the cafeteria earlier. I let the beautiful music surround me, but I froze when I heard a deep, strong voice join in. 

Hey, your old familiar way,

I've been down your road before.

You're such a beautiful kiss,

Of course I want more.

    I knew that voice. I know that voice. That voice which had once left me wondering about what happened to the boy who touched my heart. That was it. I knew it. I fished out my phone, tapped the YouTube icon, and hurriedly typed "Greyson Chance" in the search box. Almost at once the video that had left me fangirling over him so many years ago appeared in front of me. My hand flew to my mouth, realizing that he was the one. Greyson Chance.I heard footsteps approaching the door. I wanted to run, but somehow my feet were stuck to the ground firmly. I flinched when I heard the door of the music room open. "Abbygail?" I willed myself to turn around. "Yes, um, hi." I was shaking. Greyson saw my phone and shook his head. "You know about me." I looked away. "I wonder what happened." 

      Greyson sighed and led me to the music room. "You like my song?" I nodded as I traced the outline of the grand piano. "Uh-huh." He sat down placed his fingers on the keys. "Sometimes, Abbygail, I wonder why I even applied for Curtis." I saw a sad, distant, look in his eyes, but I avoided his statement. ""What's this song called?" I asked. Greyson's smile lit up his face. "It's called Temptation. Pretty top-notch, huh?" I giggled. "Guess what," Greyson whispered. "I'm a human in the daytime and animal in the night." "Ooh," I cooed. "Guess that's another song, eh?" "Clever," Greyson nodded his approval. "So what did you think of my youtube video?" "I liked it. I'm your number one fan," I replied. "What do you call your fans?" Greyson pondered for a moment. "How about Enchancers? You know, after Chance. Yeah, I like that. You can be my first enchancer," Greyson grinned. I laughed as we skipped out of the music room, hand in hand.

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