Baby Carrots

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Finn's POV

"What are we doing here?" I ask as Millie drags me behind her into the woods behind the high school. "We were here just a few days ago. Nothing has changed." "Everything has changed." She says as we walk past the frozen pond we were figure skating on that day we skipped.

I look around and enjoy the scenery as she drags me deeper and deeper into the woods. My heart is pounding out of my chest, I wonder where we're going and what we'll do once we get there. "We're almost there. You'll love it, I promise." She announces. Ahead of us, I see a nice open field. The kind of field that you would see in Bambi. My eyes grow wide at the snow covering the plain land.

We stop walking at the edge of the trees and admired the snow. "Isn't it great. I found this place yesterday while I was smoking." Millie says. My jaw dropped and I pushed the glasses up the bridge of my nose. That reminds me of the time I tried a cigarette. It was an awful thing for me to do and I regret every single second of it.

Millie dropped her backpack and looked at me with a grin. I mimicked her actions and took off my own backpack. Millie grabbed my hand which made my heart race and my palms sweat. She intertwined our fingers and looked up at me through her eyelashes. I started blushing that I forgot what she said.

"Finn, did you hear me?" She asks waving her other hand in my face to get my attention. I snapped out of my daze and looked into her eyes. They were like chocolate diamonds. "I'm s-sorry Millie. Did you say something?" I apologize. She looks into the meadow and takes a deep breath. I saw the air turn into fog as it left her mouth. "I wanna make a snowman." She said a little above a whisper.

I stare off into the land surrounded by the trees. There looked like enough snow to build a snowman. I nodded with a determined smile. "We'll make a snowman." I stated confidently as I looked at the side of her gorgeous face. She slowly nodded and squeezed my hand gently. "Let's do it." She smirked as she let go of my hand then strutted to the center of the plain.

I followed closely behind. We stopped right in the middle. Millie got down on her hands and knees, beginning to push snow together. She formed a small mound then looked up at me with a grin. "Are you gonna help?" She questioned. I pushed the glasses up the bridge of my nose then slowly got down on my knees. The cold wet snow seeping through my tan pants and making me shiver.

I helped her shape the snow as she gathered it all together. We made a big ball that was about the size of a large basketball. Millie showed a small smile as she made a another ball that was a little smaller then the first. I helped her put it on top and she let out a satisfied sigh. "Almost done. We just need a head and some twigs for the arms." She says and begins to build a small head.

I head towards the trees and look around for some sticks and rocks that we could use. I found a long stick that I could just break in half and make the perfect sized arms. I also found a bunch of pebbles buried underneath the snow so I grabbed a handful. This must be where Grace gets her pebbles from.

I walk back towards Millie and the baby snowman with the materials. She looks up at me and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, perfect! We can use this stuff!" She exclaims and takes the stick from my hand. She uses her knee to snap it perfectly in half. I was so amazed. They were each about seven inches long, no shorter, no longer. An evil grin spread across her face as she just stared at the evenly cut twigs.

I kneeled and started making a face with those pebbles I had. I had already finished the eyes when Millie got on her knees and stuck the wood sticks on each side of the snowman's body as I formed a mouth with small rocks. I noticed that her body was so close to mine that we were practically attached at the hip. I guess she noticed too because she turned her head and our noses brushed against each other. Millie giggled as my cheeks blushed red.

"What are we going to do about the noes?" She asks leaning back and tilting her head to get a better look at the icy art. I shrugged as a response. Millie gasped with an idea and hoped up from her sitting position. She jogged over to her bag and opened it pulling out a small bag of something orange. She came back and held up the clear plastic bag. Baby carrots.

She sat back down and opened the bag. "Why did you have baby carrots in your backpack?" I ask with a chuckle. She chuckled back at me with a grin. "Damn, a girl can't pack herself a snack?" My eyes widened when the D word left her mouth. Sure I've heard Millie say worse, but it just surprises me.

Millie held a baby carrot up with a smirk. "Would you like to do the honors, Finland?" She asks. I nod and took the vegetable out of her hand. I stuck it in between the eyes but a little lower so it wouldn't look too weird. Millie put her hand on my shoulder and pulled something out of her back pocket. "Well done." She started then held up a pack of gum. "Want a piece?"

"Um sure." I answer. Millie opens the pack and pulls out a stick of gum wrapped in foil paper. She hands one to me then takes one out for herself before shoving the pack back in her pocket. I unwrap it and see the pink stick. A smile spreads across my face and I look up at her. "Strawberry." I whisper quietly so she wouldn't hear. Millie did hear. She chewed on her gum and winked at me causing my cheeks to burn. Why does she have this affect on me?


For these next few chapters we'll be doing a few time jumps here and there. Who's excited to read about the snowball? Sorry for this sucky chapter I was half asleep while writing it.

Also I've had this book in my drafts (not going to give description) and it's like half written. It's been there since July and I don't know if I should publish it or not.😬

So how was your day/night?❤️

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