Mrs. Brown

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Millie's POV

I finally got through half of the day without my anxiety taking over. I was leaving the schools cafeteria with Maddie and Noah to get to 4th period. My mum is teaching that class. I just hope she doesn't embarrass me in front of everyone. I'm starting to grow a little nervous now that I think about it. I'm pretty sure it won't be too bad having my mum be my reading teacher. "So, how do you like Hawkins middle school so far Mills? Can I call you Mills?" Noah questions, which pulls me out of my thoughts.

I look up at him with a nervous smile. "It's great here and yes, you can call me Mills." I said. He nods and looks straight ahead as we continue walking. "Sorry about the food here. It sure made my stomach twist." Maddie says while holding her stomach. I flash a smile and gulp nervously. She did have a point, the food wasn't really good, but I'm not going to complain about it. I hardly ever complain. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. "Have you seen any cute boys yet?" Noah asks. I think he's gay.

I'm okay with him being gay though. Who am I to judge. I shake my head. "No, not yet. Have you?" I questioned him. Noah shrugs. "All the cute boys here are either taken or bullies. By the way, I'm gay if you couldn't tell." He states with a proud smile which makes me smile. "That's awesome, I've always wanted a gay friend." I said as I nudge him in the shoulder lightly. Noah shakes his head. "I think you mean gay best friend, Millster. Can I call you Millster?" He asks and I nod.

Maddie links arms with me as the three of us walk into class. I saw my mum behind her desk shuffling through papers. She looked almost as nervous as me. I'd be nervous too if I had to teach a new class. I take deep breaths to calm me down. My mum looked up at me and smiled as she approached me and my friends. "Hello Millie, who are your two new friends?" She asked looking between the three of us. I just smile and try to remain calm. Maddie holds her hand out for my mother to shake. "Hi Mrs. Brown, I'm Maddie."

Mum takes her hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you Maddie." She says then let's go of her hand and looks at Noah. He smiles and gives a small wave. "I'm Noah, Noah Schnapp." He said. Mum slowly nods and looks at me. "You have such lovely friends, Mills. I'm proud of you for making friends today." She states. I give a nervous laugh and hold Maddie and Noah's wrist. "Thanks mum. We're gonna go sit down now. Bye." I said quickly while walking away with my friends. My heart was racing and I'm starting to feel a little queasy.

I take a seat at the front of the classroom. Maddie and Noah sit on either side of me. Maddie taps my shoulder lightly which causes me to look at the brown haired girl. "Are you okay? If you're sick, I can take you to the nurses office." She questions. I shake my head and put on a fake smile. "I'm fine, just a little tired." I lied. She nods and looks forward. Then, that boy walks in. I don't know his name yet, but he has dark brown-almost black- hair, a very pointed nose, and freckles across his cheeks.

He notices me and smirks almost which makes me feel uncomfortable, but I don't look away. He slowly walks towards me and leans on my desk. "Hello British." He says. Then he places his other hand -which is in a fist- on my desk. He opens it then walks past me leaving a small piece of paper on my desk. Noah leans closer to me and whispers something. "That's Finn Wolfhard. He's pretty hot, but he's a real meany." I look at the paper then flip it over to see some writing on the other side. 'I'm your worst nightmare'.

My eyes widen at the message. I turn around to see Finn sitting way in the back of the classroom. He's writing something on another piece of paper. He notices my staring and I quickly turn around in my seat to look away from him. Should I be scared? I crumpled up the note and stuffed it in my pocket as the bell rang. I hope my mum didn't see that whole thing. She would assume that I like him and then embarrass me about it later. Enough about all of this Millie, your mother is teaching you. Focus.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I'm Mrs. Brown, your new reading teacher." She greeted everyone with a smile. "Who likes reading?" She asked everyone. I raised my hand and a few people around me raised their hands too. Mum smiled and nodded. "That's good. Today we'll be doing a little reading and then I'll ask you all a few questions. Sound good?" She stated. Some students said yes ma'am and others nodded. So far so good. Nothing bad is happening. I guess I just got a little paranoid. "Now," mum took a stack of books and handed them to Maddie.

"Do you mind handing one out to everyone?" She asked lowly. Maddie and stood up, handing out the stack of books. The book we'll be reading is a cute little love story. It's a classic. "Really? Snow White? We're in middle school." I heard Finn complain. I didn't turn around to look at him though, he's just being ridiculous. Mum sighed and clasped her hands together. "It's a nice story to read with you all." She says and turns around to walk to her desk. "Now how about we read the first chapter." Mum opens her book and so does everyone else.

While we were in the middle of reading, I felt something hit the back of my head. It fell off my shoulder and landed next to me. Someone just threw a pink eraser at my head. It didn't hurt, I was just surprised. I'm pretty sure they didn't mean to do it either, so I just continue listening to my mum read as I follow along. Then, something else hit the back of my head. It was lighter than the eraser though. It got stuck in my hair. I pull out a paper clip and turn around to see who threw it at me. Everyone was reading quietly.

I shrugged it off and turned around to continue my reading. Seconds later, something landed on my desk. It bounced on my desk twice before landing which made a quite tapping sound that didn't really faze anyone. The object this time was a small stick of gum wrapped in paper with a note on it. I read the writing. 'I'm running out of objects British, but here's some gum'.

I didn't need another hint to figure out who it was. I turn around and see Finn looking directly at me with a smirk on his face. He mouthed a hello and waved at me. I just turned around in my seat and continued reading again. Finn didn't bother me for the rest of the class.


The gum part is necessary for the next chapter.

How's everyone doing today?❤️❤️

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