Cabin Seventeen: Year 3

Start from the beginning

"But then, why would you dread him dying?" Hermione asked, lightening the harsh question with her gentle tone.

Parvati glared so hard at her Amisty was scared the wall might set on fire.

Hermione turned back to the group, "Well, look at it logically. I mean, Blinky didn't even die today, did he? Lavender just got the news today and she can't have been dreading it, because it's come as a real shock -- "

Amisty threw her hand over Hermione's mouth as Lavender let out a dreadful sob.

"Don't mind Hermione, Lavender, she doesn't think other people's pets matter very much," Ron declared loudly.

Hermione went red, furious.

Luckily, Professor McGonagall had just opened the door to the classroom. Ron and Hermione looked ready to tear each other apart. They walked in, taking their seats toward the back. Amisty and Harry were trapped in between the two of them.

"This is unfortunate," Amisty whispered to Harry, casting a few side glances over to both of them.

"Tell me about it," He murmured back, rolling his eyes and cracking a little smile.

She grinned crookedly, trying to ignore the high tension throughout the rest of class.

"Do you think they're ever going to get over this?" She asked, noticing Hermione was writing rather crudely on her parchment.

"Not anytime soon, but I'm sure it will happen," Harry replied, nodding over to Ron, who was writing with the same level of intensity.

The two of them shared a laugh, careful to keep it quiet, and went back to focusing on the lesson.

Hermione and Ron refused to look at each other, let alone talk. The lesson itself was interesting, but it was difficult to focus properly on the upcoming event.

"One moment, please! As you're all in my House, you should hand Hogsmeade permission forms to me before Halloween. No form, no visiting the village, so don't forget!" Professor McGonagall announced at the end of class, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Please, Professor, I - I think I've lost -- " Neville started, his hand up in the air as he searched through his bag desperately.

"Your grandmother sent yours to me directly, Longbottom. She seemed to think it was safer," Professor McGonagall replied calmly, to Neville's relief. "Well, that's all, you may leave."

"Ask her now," Ron hissed to Amisty and Harry.

"Oh, but -- " Hermione started to argue.

"Go for it, c'mon," Ron urged, cutting her off.

Amisty had a feeling it wasn't just because he wanted them to go. They waited for the rest of the class to leave before they approached Professor McGonagall's desk.

Amisty stayed back with Ron and Hermione, figuring it would be easier to just ask after if Harry got a positive answer.

"Yes, Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking up at him over her spectacles.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle -- er -- forgot to sign my form," Harry replied after a deep breath. She continued looking at him. "So -- er -- d'you think it would be all right -- I mean, will it be okay if I -- if I go to Hogsmeade?"

She started to rearrange the papers on her desk, "I'm afraid not, Potter. You heard what I said. No form, no visiting the village. That's the rule."

"But -- Professor, my aunt and uncle -- you know, they're Muggles, they don't really understand about -- about Hogwarts forms and stuff. If you said I could go -- " He started.

"But I don't say so. The form clearly states that the parent or guardian must give permission. I'm sorry, Potter, but that's my final word. You had better hurry, or you'll be late for your next lesson," Her voice had an air of finality, and Harry walked away from her desk with slumped shoulders.

Amisty felt her own shoulders drop, her foot kicking the floor gently in disappointment.

There was no use in her asking, she would just get the same answer. The four of them headed out the door, Amisty the last to leave when she turned around at a soft tap on wood.

"Miss River, could I speak with you for a moment?" It was Professor McGonagall.

"Um... yes," She headed back toward the desk, signaling to her friends that she had just forgotten something.

"Professor Dumbledore received an owl last night requesting you visit Hogsmeade for this visit," The Professor explained, her voice tight.

"So... So I can go?" Amisty asked, trying in vain to hide her excitement at the news. Her eyes were glowing.

"Yes, you may. On one condition," Professor McGonagall looked up at her, sliding toward her a piece of parchment with what looked like a number written on it.

She couldn't recognize the handwriting, it was slightly messy and rather large in dark red ink.

Cabin 17

"Someone would like to meet you there toward the end of your visit. It isn't my business to say who, but keep in mind, Miss River, to keep your temper in check during it," Professor McGonagall advised, holding up a signed Hogsmeade permission form.

The signature was unreadable.

"I-I'm sorry, Professor, but I don't quite understand. Isn't it a bad idea to be visiting people you don't know -- " She started, looking from the parchment up to her teacher.

"That is all I can say about this, Miss River," Professor McGonagall replied firmly. "Once more, watch your temper, please, and hurry, I wouldn't want you to be late for your next class."

Amisty nodded, still as bewildered as ever as she adjusted her bag and raced after her friends.

She stared down at the writing as she went, glancing up occasionally to make sure she didn't crash into anyone as she ran through the hallway, trying to find any clue of what this was all about.

As the back of her friends drew closer, she folded it up and tucked it away in her bag. She was just about to tell them the good news when she noticed the dejected look on Harry's face.

It would be better to wait.

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