Amisty's Boggart: Year 3

Start from the beginning

"Riddikulus!" Amisty pointed her wand straight at it, and the silver wolf appeared and bounded toward it.

They circled each other and the silver wolf stepped forward, pressing its muzzle to the black wolf's cheek.

The black wolf disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke, the silver wolf standing in its place with its tail high.

"Excellent! Ron, you next!" Professor Lupin yelled.

Ron stepped forward, another crack, and the wolf turned into a massive spider. Many people screamed at the sight of it.

"Riddikulus!" Ron roared, and the legs of the spider vanished so it could only roll around on the ground.

It stopped at Lavender's feet, but she ran out of the way so it was in front of Harry. He raised his wand, face set when Professor Lupin rushed ahead of him.

"Here!" He shouted, the crack, and there was an orb floating in the air. It almost looked like the moon... "Riddikulus!"

He didn't sound very concerned and the orb turned into a cockroach.

"Forward, Neville, and finish him off!"

Neville looked incredibly determined as Snape reappeared, he raised his wand, eyes narrowed.

"Riddikulus!" He bellowed, and they got a second of Snape in a dress before Neville laughed and the boggart burst into a puff of smoke.

"Excellent! Excellent, Neville. Well done, everyone... Let me see... five points to Gryffindor for every person to tackle the boggart -- ten for Neville because he did it twice... and five each to Hermione and Harry," Professor Lupin decided.

"But I didn't do anything," Harry protested, confused.

"You and Hermione answered my questions correctly at the start of the class, Harry. Very well, everyone, an excellent lesson. Homework, kindly read the chapter on boggarts and summarize it for me... to be handed in on Monday. That will be all," Professor Lupin smiled.

Amisty, grinning brilliantly as they left the staffroom. The entire class was buzzing.

"Did you see me take that banshee?" Seamus cheered.

"And the hand!" Dean grinned, raising his fist in the air.

"And Snape in that hat!" Neville added.

"And my mummy!" Parvati smiled.

"I wonder why Professor Lupin's frightened of crystal balls," Lavender wondered aloud.

Ah, so it was a crystal ball, not the moon.

"That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson we've ever had, wasn't it?" Ron beamed as they headed back down to the classroom to collect their things.

"He seems like a very good teacher. But I wish I could have had a turn with the boggart -- " Hermione started, nodding.

"What would it have been for you? A piece of homework that only got a nine out of ten?" Ron chuckled.

Hermione rolled her eyes as Harry and Amisty laughed as well.

"Amisty, what was it that the boggart turned into for you?" Harry asked, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

She blinked, trying to find the right words to explain what it was.

"Losing control," She replied at last, once the words left her mouth it did seem to fit.

"You know we'll make sure that doesn't happen, right?" He whispered softly, not wanting to draw attention to the two of them.

"I know, I know," She smiled slightly, nodding as she picked up her own bag.

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