♡* Mistletoe *♡

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* Chapter 3 *

Sana POV

I wake up, tossing in my bed a bit. The first thing I feel is warmth. It's strangely comforting. My arms are wrapped around something...someone? WAIT WHAT?! I jump up and see a soft brunette lying in my bed next to me and my memories from last night slowly comeback to me.

It may be strange but I like watching her lay in my bed. She clings on to my blanket and breaths softly. I like her a lot but she'll think I'm weird if I tell her that. She'll never like me back will she?

Her puffy eyes begin to flutter open and she pushes back her hair. I quickly look for something to stare at because I don't want her to think I'm creepy...but it's no use. She sits up and gasps at me. We stare directly into each other's eyes for what seems like forever.

"I'm sorry this must be so awkward for you, I'll leave immediately!" She squeaks as she gets out of me bed. Dahyun shuffles to the door but I grab her wrist. "Eh? What is it? I'm really sorry," she stares at me confused.

"Don't leave...please stay!" I can't believe I just said that. "It's Christmas and I don't have anyone to spend it with...so I was hoping you'd be free."

"S-sure that sound good I don't have any plans," she sends me a warm expression and hugs me. Her cheeks are red it's so cute.

"Great! I think Momo is still with Chaeyoung and Mina so I'll make us some hot chocolate," I walk over to the kettle and boil some water.

Time skip

Dahyun and I sit together and sip our hot chocolate on my bed, watching the soft snow fall from out side the window. She softly blows on her hot chocolate and smiles. She talks about flowers and I talk about art. It's perfect. Suddenly my phone beeps and I pick it up to see a text from Momo.

Momo:  Come outside I have something to show you and Dahyun

"Oh Dahyun! Momo texted me saying that she has something to show us!" I grab her hands.

"Really that's nice of her right? What do you think it is?" She smiles brightly and squeezes my hand back.

"Hmmm...Cheese kimbap?" We both burst out laughing and walk to the door. When I open the door I see Momo smiling widely.

"Look up!" Momo says smirking. It's mistletoe... "it's mistletoe, it's a Christmas custom you know what you have to do!" Momo blurts out. Sometimes, I don't know if I love or hate Momo. I stare at Dahyun, she's a tomato. It looks like her cheeks might explode. Actually it genuinely looks like she might faint. What do I do? I lean in to kiss her on the cheek. Hah her cheeks are so soft and warm.

"Ok done right?" I say looking at Momo. The next thing I know Dahyun grabs the back of my neck and caresses my face. Now I'm a tomato. She pulls me into a warm kiss. Her lips are so soft and I feel like I'm melting. I put my arms around her waist bringing her closer to me. I don't want this moment to end. I don't know if I can fully comprehend what's happening. All I know is that I want more. She pulls away and I stare into her sparkling eyes. Wow she's amazing

WOW IM SORRY THIS WAS LATE but I hope you enjoyed this I hope I didn't make it too awkward. I tried my best! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas (or any other holiday you celebrate) slayyyy

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