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1. Your book must be published
Your book has to be published with the minimum of three chapters. Anything below is not accepted, ongoing or completed is accepted.

2. Mature Content is accepted
Mature content and strong language is accepted

3. Entrance
You are only allowed to enter atleast five books. If you have requested for more than five, we will decline.

4. We do not tolerate bullying and bribery
We do not tolerate this sort of behaviour in our community. The bases of this awards is to help others and not tear them down. If we do find out that you have participated in these acts then you are automatically disqualified.

5. A permanent follow to this community
When you enter your books, a permanent follow is required to this community. Please do not unfollow after because we will know.

6. Add our book to your reading list
This is required when you enter as well, to add the book to your reading list.

7. Your story has to be in English
The only language we accept is English, since we are a start up community.

8. Tags
You have to tag atleast five people in the form.

9. No plagiarism

10. The password is your favourite song

The Dark Romantics Awards {Closed At The Moment}Where stories live. Discover now