Chapter 6

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Its 4th block and we have free period today and I got hang out with my friends but I forgot that me and Ceaton have the 4th period together. Ceaton comes over to me and my friends and He says," Can we talk somewhere private!!" Danielle said," I don't think Lexi would like this!!" Ceaton said," I don't care about what Lexi will think Danielle!!" Danielle said," Okay but this on you!!" meanwhile at the football field, Danielle said, " Okay you got me alone, now what do you want?" Ceaton said," Has Lexi been mean to you?" Danielle said, " I don't want to talk about." Ceaton said," You know you can tell me anything!" I really want to tell him now but I can't because I don't know if he would like be back. Danielle said,"Okay if you don't tell anyone about this!" Ceaton said," Okay!, I wouldn't tell a soul!" Danielle said," yes she has been mean to me! She called me a ugly bitch and told me to stay away from you or else!" Ceaton said," That bitch I know she was being mean again." Danielle said," What do you mean?" Ceaton said," She told me she would stop being mean to everyone but she lied to me! I think I need to break up with her ." Danielle said,"Don't do that" Ceaton said,"why don't you agree with me?" Danielle said," because if you do Lexi would think you break up with her because of me!" Lexi said," what the hell is this!" Danielle said," I have to go. I got to meet up with my friends before 5th period!" Ceaton said," Don't go please" then Danielle walk away then the bell rang then Danielle said, oh man I'm late to class and I'm never late to class!!" Then Danielle got to Mrs.Jones math class then Mrs.Jones said, "Danielle your late to my class. I will let your pass the one but not next!" then  Danielle walk  to sit and sat down then Ashley said, "Your late to class like never what happen to make you late?" then Danielle said," It was Ceaton!" then Ashley said, " What did he want?" then Danielle said."You know he want to talk to me in private!" then Mrs.Jones said,"Danielle and Ashley stop talking!" Ashley said," We can finish this later!" Danielle said,"Okay" then its time for lunch. Ashley sat with Danielle then Ashley said to Danielle, " Yes I know Ceaton want to talk private but what did he want to talk to you about?" Danielle said," He want to talk to me about Lexi being mean to me and I think he going to break up with her!" Ashley said," If he does Lexi will know that he did it for you!" "I know I told Ceaton that but he doesn't care what Lexi thinks about the break up when he does. If he does!" Danielle said to Ashley  then the lunch bell rang and they want back to class. 

A Girl with A Crush and A LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang