Chapter 2

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Today in 3rd block Ceaton made Danielle smile again. "I love him" but "I want to throw something at him but I love him but he is getting on my last nerves". Danielle told her friend Ashley but it will not be the same between us. Ceaton can lose someone but can we please just go back and do this all over again. Danielle keeps saying "I love you, Ceaton" but "Why did you get mad at me and upset everyday oh why Ceaton but can we stop this today". Danielle asks Ceaton if he was okay and Ceaton said "yes" so Danielle was okay with that but Danielle knows he is lying to her about it but Ceaton did know much Danielle care about him. The next day at school Ceaton had to leave school to go somewhere and Danielle doesn't know where Ceaton wanted to today. Can it be the thing that he was lying to Danielle about yesterday in class but then Ceaton came back but Danielle thinks he is about to get mad at her about what? Did Danielle do something wrong but she doesn't know? The next day at school again Danielle and Mr. Scott"s class did nothing in 2nd & 3rd today but Ceaton wasn't there and Danielle still don't know where he wants and Danielle will never know. Danielle said it again in her mind. " Please don't go Ceaton but I know and you know we will never be together but we know our love is a love-hate relationship but Ceaton can you stay and not go to the own school. The next day at school Danielle was half sad and happy but Danielle want to help Ceaton with today's math problems with him but Ceaton gets closer to Danielle, she thinks about in the classroom when we got back from lunch but he makes Danielle smile every time Ceaton does it as school because they don't see each our out of school because Danielle is a nerd and Ceaton is a Jock. Danielle just find out when she got home that Danielle was so happy that she can go to prom with her friends  Ashley, Nat, David, and Emily but Danielle wish she can go to prom with Ceaton but Danielle can't but Danielle just out the next day at school that Ceaton is going to prom but Danielle is afraid that he will fall in love with her at prom how she will look at him at prom. So it's Friday and it's prom night and my friends are on the dance floor, and I'm sitting but I see Ceaton but Danielle wishes that Ceaton with come over and asks me to if I would like to dance but Ceaton with his girlfriend Lexi. She the Captain of the Cheerleader team and she doesn't like me at all and Danielle wishes that Ceaton just leave her and come and ask Danielle but It will never happen. It's Monday, at school Ceaton wasn't there at school can it be what happens at prom or something was wrong at home or he was sick. So I will you what happens as prom, I and Lex got into a fight over the something I got up and wanted over to go hang out with my friends and Lexi bumped into me then she said, "Watch where you are walking you, ugly nerd," but I don't let her get to me but I just said "Sorry". So that's what happened at prom and I still don't know why Ceaton isn't at school and I will never know it. So it's only 2 days until spring break and I still can get him out if my mind I really want to tell him all the things that are going through my mind but Danielle can't because it will change everything between her and Ceaton and Danielle don't want that to happen but Danielle was thinking him so bad she keeps saying in her mind "I love him more then I did before" but Danielle can't take it anymore Danielle had to tell him but Danielle knows that Ceaton got to know the truth. Danielle thinks about him too much but she can't she can't stop it Danielle thinks about Ceaton day and night. When Danielle woke up and fall asleep. It's the next day and spring break is over. So let me tell you what I did on spring break, I want to my Mimi and Papa with my mom but I couldn't stop thinking about Ceaton. So that's what happened during spring break. So today at school Ceaton was here and Ceaton was on Danielle mind but today doing 3rd block Ceaton was being mean to Danielle and her friend Ashley but Danielle stormed out of Mrs.Hummer's Classroom then I started to cry but she came into her classroom and ask me "What's wrong?" and I told her a lied that he was being mean but she told me,"He isn't being mean" but I lied to her it was about Ceaton breaking my heart from that's why Danielle stormed out of Mr. Scott's classroom but Danielle told Mrs. Hummer, "Why does Ceaton got to get so mad at Ashley?" but Mrs. Hummer said, "He was just playing with Ashley." but I know he wasn't playing with Ashley. He was being mean to Ashley.

A Girl with A Crush and A LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang