Chapter 4

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Next day at school Mrs. Hummel and Danielle talk again about the letter that Danielle write to Ceaton. Mrs. Hummel said it again, "Why did you do it?" then Danielle said, "Ashley told me to do it " because "I was scared and I need to get it off my mind for sure!!!! If I didn't do it, it would kill me so bad!!" that what Danielle said in her mind. but she had to tell Mrs. Hummel about it but Mrs. Hummel said, "Okay, thanks for telling me the truth Danielle." Then Danielle said, "Okay and You're Welcome." So Mrs. Hummel and I walked back to Mr. Scott's classroom but Mrs. Hummel stopped me and told me, "What do you want to? Tell Ceaton the truth or don't?" then Danielle said, " I don't want to tell him" then Mrs. Hummel said, "Okay." So I go into Mr. Scott's classroom and I sit down and Try not to reminder what just happen! So school is over and my friends are calling my name, "Danielle, Danielle, hey Danielle!" but I was zoned out. then Nat walked over to me and he said," Are you okay Danielle?" then I said, "Yes, I'm okay but thanks for asking." then Nat said, "Your welcome but it just looks like something on your mind?" then I said, " Let's walk over to our friends and I will tell you what's wrong." Then we were with our friends then nat said, " So what wrong?" Then Danielle said, "you must ask!!" then Nat said, "oh sorry for asking!"  then Danielle said, " sorry guys for being mean! I been upset  about what me and Mrs. Hummel talk about today!! 

P.S. sorry for the short chapter I had writers block!!!!

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