02. The Sun

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"Plz don't leave me. You are everything i have my sun my soul and my heart" he shouted with all his might trying to hold the hand which was slipping away from his grasp but The hands slipped away and he fell off the cliff.

Bang I fell from the bed. Same dream all the time from my childhood but the pain in my heart was raw and it was bleeding. I felt like something important was snached away from me. I felt something missing, like a piece of puzzle but I cannot relate why I dream it all the time but still feel the same pain. I don't know who is holding whose hand, the entire dream has nothing to do with me but still it hurts

I got up from the floor and looked at the time it was 8. Crap I am late I ran to my bathroom grabbing the towel and rushed to take bath.

I am the head hazor. Today I am going to officially become one because freshmen are coming. I already run through every senario that might happen and also practiced n number of times my lines. I really hope that I don't get any troublemaker but nothing can b determined. I just prayed everything should go fine. My phone rang and it was knott one of my best friend since college started he is calm and collected until someone mess with him who was exactly opposite to me.

" Where r u? The first years are already reached the hall better come here soon."

"Hold on I will there within a minute. Bye" I took my hazing coat and ran.

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