CHAPTER 80: Games and Matches

Start from the beginning

"In the end, I'll be doing all the work... That's fine and all, but don't drag me into your girlish catfights." Kuwahara replied in exasperation.

A realization suddenly came over An. "There are only two more teams left which means..." She said, looking at Ryoma. She shifted her gaze at Atobe after a second.

"That makes Team 2 versus Team 3..." Miyako finished for her.

The two aforementioned boys heard this and they threw a fiery glance at each other from the corner of their eyes. The girls noticed that small exchange of hostility and giggled into their palms.

If Atobe-Fujioka pair goes against Echizen-Ryuzaki pair in the matches, just what kind of explosion will happen? They looked at each other in excitement. "Oh, this is going to be interesting..." Miyako thought, smiling to herself.

Meanwhile, Hayashi continued with his announcement. "Team 2, of course, will go against the remaining one which is Team 3. The camp managers will facilitate the matches and each will be held at the same time in different courts." He told them.

There were murmurs of disappointment from the crowd. "That means that we can't watch the other matches." Sengoku commented.

"Well, we can't spend such a long time in this event. Having the matches run simultaneously will shorten the time needed for the games to finish so we'll be right on schedule." Arai pointed out.

"A pity. I'd like to watch how Ryouko will handle playing tennis in that outfit of hers." Inui said, smirking.

"Now that you mention it..." Fuji replied, looking over at where Ryouko is standing. "Will she be able to play well while wearing that heavy dress?"

Kikumaru joined the two with a grin on his face. "Don't worry. Ochibi and I will tell you what will happen." He said.

At the side, Ryouko was looking thoughtful. She wanted to watch all of the freshmen's matches and see how they'll deal with regulars from other schools who have participated in official games. But of course, she won't be able to do that since she have to stay and watch over the matches of her own team. Coming up with an idea to achieve both at the same time, she went out of the court for a moment and looked around for Amane Hotaru to ask him a favor. It didn't take long for her to find him since he was watching over the proceedings at one corner.

As she approached the young man, two certain individuals swerved their heads at her direction. She started to gesture at Amane and seemed to ask him to bend down. As the lad did so, Ryouko started whispering something near his ear.

Atobe tightened the grip on the neck scarf that he had been wounding around his wrist for the last ten seconds. At the other side, Ryoma's bronze-gold eyes seemed to be shooting fiery arrows at Ryouko and Amane.

"She's just so..." Ryoma thought in annoyance, trying to come up with to the perfect word to describe her.

"Flighty." He finished. No wonder her cousins are always worried. Her feet seem to always take her where men are. Ryoma did not know that someone was also harboring some notions in the same line of his thinking.

Atobe suddenly had a strange idea. He found himself wanting to tie Ryouko's feet together with the neck scarf on his hand. "Why can't she keep her feet rooted on just one spot and make them stay there?" He thought irritably.

As the two boys continued to stare, Ryouko had finished relaying her message to Amane and the latter nodded in understanding. He went off immediately to attend to whatever request she made and Ryouko marched back to the spot where she stood earlier. As she smoothed out the wrinkles she made on the skirt of the wedding dress from lifting it up too much, she caught Ryoma looking at her. She stared back and he immediately averted his eyes. Turning to the other side, she also saw that Atobe is looking at her. He also shifted his purple eyes away as soon as he caught her staring back.

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