Join Me

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Authors Note: Welcome to my first ever Reylo One-Shot! This picks up after some events that happened in Episode 8, "The Last Jedi" but it shouldn't spoil too much since it's an alternate ending! I still suggest watching the movie first if you want better context or no spoilers, and if you don't care.. read on! You have been warned...


Tears streamed down my face as Kylo got into my head. I watched as the tall figure stood in front of me, eyes fixed on my broken features, thriving on my vulnerability.

"Say it." He growled, his voice deep and powerful. "Say it!" He said again, his voice more aggressive yet more desperate at the same time.

"My parents are nothing," I admitted, the words catching in my throat.

"You're right," Kylo said, satisfied. "You came from nothing. You are nothing." His words stung deep inside of me. "But I don't see you that way. It doesn't have to be like that," he said, "Join me." His voice was forceful and intimidating, yet something about it intrigued me.

I watched as Kylo outstretched his arm, his hand enclosed by his black glove, waiting for me to take it. I turned my head, watching as the last of the rebellion was being shot down and destroyed. I turned more to see the Supreme Leader on the floor, lifeless. 

"Leave it all behind," Kylo said, reiterating what he had said earlier. Everything we both knew had been destroyed, yet a new future was right in front of me.

I slowly raised my arm, knowing that taking his hand - joining him - would go against everything I ever knew. But there was still hope in Kylo, in Ben. I could still turn him, there was still good left. With that in mind, my fingers met his. There was no going back now.

"The force is strong with you, Rey," Kylo said deeply, "It is strong in both of us. And together, we can be more powerful than you can imagine." Kylo smirked, "I can teach you, I can show you where you're meant to be." 

I knew Kylo was bad. I keep trying to convince myself, to remind myself to not give in to him. Yet, I long so deeply to know who I am supposed to be, and I see that in Kylo. With him, I see my future. 

As I looked into his dark eyes, I felt an odd, unfamiliar feeling stir inside of me. I felt a new sensation where his hand touched mine, and took my fingers away quickly, breaking eye contact to avoid the new excitement. 

"Don't be afraid," Kylo spoke, "I feel it too."

"What are you doing to me!" I demanded, wanting him to get out of my head. But something inside of me told me this wasn't under his control.

Confused, I turned to walk away, not able to be around him without feeling the new sensation.

"Don't run away from your feelings Rey," Kylo called after me, but I didn't listen. Why was I feeling this way? Make it stop, make it stop. 

Suddenly I was unable to move. Frozen in my tracks, back turned to Kylo. "Let me go," I hissed, knowing he was using his powers to suspend me. I could hear his footsteps behind me. Something about it was so intimidating, knowing I was frozen and completely vulnerable to whatever he may do, the unknowingness of it all. Yet it only caused the feeling inside me to grow. Make it stop, make it stop.

"You're so closed off..." Kylo began, "So much so that you're afraid of your own emotions," The man walked slow steps behind me as he spoke. "You're denying your heart, Rey. You're too innocent to understand your feelings, but you can't distract yourself..." His words spiraled through my mind, repeating themselves over and over until they started to make more sense. "Isn't it these feelings that made you take my hand? That made you join me?" 

"Let me go," I demanded, but I felt no freedom. The stirring was only getting stronger, and Kylo's voice was only getting closer and closer.

Finally, Kylo stood in front of me, his face only centimeters away from mine. We shared the same breath as I found myself in his dark eyes once more.

"Your teaching begins now," He said powerfully, "Lesson One, you can't run away from your heart." And before I had time to think, Kylo closed the space between us, his lips colliding with mine. 

Suddenly, I felt the stirring everywhere at once, the sensation flooding my senses, flooding my mind. I could feel Kylo's touch everywhere as he tilted my chin deeper into the kiss, releasing me from the frozen spell. I could move again, yet I didn't want to run away. My hand flew up to his cheek, cupping his face softly, teasing his long black hair with the tips of my fingers.

How was I doing this? Somewhere in my mind, I knew this was all so wrong, yet it felt so incredibly right.

All too soon, I felt the absence of Kylo's kiss, yet my body was still flooded with the sparks, the tingling, the stirring. My heart pounded loudly against my chest. 

I wasn't ready to open my eyes, to have to face the realization of what had just happened. 

"You follow your heart over your mind Rey," Kylo began, "Your mind told you it was wrong, yet your heart told you not to run away." 

"If you can't run away from your heart, how did you do it? How did you run far enough away to the point where you killed your own father?" I asked, angry with the games Kylo was playing.

"Rey, I simply said YOU couldn't run away from your heart. The force is strong with you but your mind is weak. That is why you need me, why we need each other." Kylo stated, "You have the heart, and I have the mind. Together we are limitless." 

I took his hand once more, feeling his power. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this! Please comment if you have any request/suggestions for future One-Shots or if you would like a sequel of this "Rey turning to the dark side" ish story! 

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