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Excuse me,  can i here? ?? Said

S - sure! I said


Why are you here? ?? Asked

Oh, ummm... I'm just b - bored.. I saw this cafe shop so i went here. P - please don't  tell anyone! I said as i beg him

Don't be nervous Y/N, it's okay. I'm here either so i fugitive too! ?? Said

Thanks... By the way can i ask you something? I said

Sure! What is it? ?? asked

W - what is y ------------

excuse me ma'am and sir, here's your coffee! One cafe laťťe and One Cafe Americano! The waitress said

Oh t - thanks! I said

Y/N, what is your question again? He asked

Oh, what is your name? That's the question i want to tell you! I said

My name is Park Chan - yeol! But you can call me Chanyeol! He said

Oh Chanyeol! Why are you have a lot of fan girls? I asked

Because i have a group! And that group is full of handsome guys! He said

* laugh * C - Chanyeol! You're so funny! Stop that! I said

But it's not a joke! It's true , we have good looking looks! He said then i playfully hit his arm

Yah - drink your coffee , don't say cheesy things! I said

Okay! But you know what Y/N! He said


Before the accident, I can't talk to you like this! He said

Huh? Wae? I asked

Because you're bodyguards are always beside you! He said

B - bodyguards? I asked

Yeah, Jungkook's Gang! you know what. They are so protective and caring! They're so sad and full of loneliness when you are in America! You can see the guilt in their face! Chanyeol said

In this time, i really want to bring my past come to me! B - but i c - can't! I said as i look in the sky

Yah - Y/N, it's not your fault to in that situation! Don't worry,  you have us, we can help you! He said

T - thanks..... Wait! What time is it? I said

10 : 30! Wae? He asked

10 : 30? Wait, mwo? I said

Yeah, wae? he asked

My second class is 11 :00 , it's one hour. Sooooo, i need to go! I said

Wait, i will come to with you! He said

Huh? What about your class? I Said

First what is your second class? He said

Baking! You? I said

Let's go! He said

Don't worry , Baking is my second class! Let's go? He said

Y - yeah! I said


We're walking on the hallway of the school. I saw some fangirls of Chanyeol giving me some death glare. They can't stop looking at me. i felt my heart beating so fast not because that I'm walking with chanyeol,  it's because I'm nervous

BOOK 2:AMNESIA ||THE 7 BADBOYS ARE MY BODYGUARDWhere stories live. Discover now