Chapter 13: Memories

Start from the beginning

''There's till one more thing,'' Kaldur said. ''I saw how they reacted to your singing. Did they ever hear your voice before?''

''They don't even hear us when we talk, let alone White sing,'' Danny growled. ''White's tried, and it didn't end well. For us.''

''Would you tell us,'' Dick requested.

''We were going to tell you sooner or later,'' White says. ''Guess has been chosen for us.''

''We had already spent a few months with the Fentons, and things were normal,'' Danny told. ''As normal as it could get in Amity Park. It had been our birthday the day before, the first one, in a long line of forgotten birthdays, forgotten by them.''

''It had been our first birthday without you, mama, și tata,'' White took over. ''Jazz had remembered. She even got us cupcakes. But that didn't stop the sadness. So I did what I did best, I sang.''

*****Flashback (You All Knew It Was Gonna Happen)*****

A newly six year old White was sitting at the window in his and Danny's room. He had an uneaten cupcake in front of him. Jazz had given him and Danny the sweet treats for their special day. But it hurt that their parents could not have been there for them and the people supposed to be taking care of them didn't remember.

Danny sat down in front of his twin. He put a birthday candle on the cupcake. They were both upset over their parent's deaths and separation from their brother, but he wanted to see his twin smile.

''They didn't even say 'Happy Birthday,'' White said. ''They only stayed in the basement all day, again. Why didn't they remember, big brother?''

''I don't know, White,'' Danny says, trying to comfort him. ''Maybe they were just busy.''

''They're always busy,'' White complained. ''Jazzy is the only one that ever cares to take care of us. They don't do anything. They only care about their stupid obsession with ghosts.''

''Here,'' Danny said.

He used an old trick that their parents taught them. He snapped his fingers and the candle was lit. They have no idea how it worked.

''You and I will always have each other,'' he told him, holding up the cupcake. ''You once sang the song 'Me and You' at the circus. But instead as a love song, it was for family. I will never leave you. Make a wish, little brother.''

White leaned toward the cupcake.

''Îmi doresc o familie care să ne iubească pentru cine suntem,'' he whispered, then blew out the candle.

Romanian translation: I wish for a family that will love us for who we are.

White and Danny shared the cake. When they were done, White stared out the window.

''Who will kiss my head

When I lie in bed?

And who will hold my hand?
Who will understand?
Who will sing my song to me?

Who will hold me tight
In the dark of night?
And who will brush my hair?
Rock me in my chair?

Who will sing my song to me?
Who will sing my song to me?

Now that you are gone.''

He and Danny had tears in their eyes by the end of it. They would have gone to sleep soon after if a fat man and his wife didn't barge into their room.

*****End Flashback*****

''Those two had heard White when they had come up into the kitchen for a break,'' Danny said. ''But when they came in, they weren't happy over White's talent. They scolded him for being too loud and told him he'd be punished if they ever heard him again.''

''I only had my musical relief when in music class or on the Isle of Sirens or Magical Music,'' White continued for him. ''Even after seeing that, they will still never care for my voice. 'The arts have no place in science,' they say. To Hades with science.''

Aqualad put his hand on White's, and it seemed to calm his anger. But they both quickly pulled away, blushing.

''Let's get to the castle,'' Dick suggested. ''We have a party to attend, don't we?''

The twins wiped away the tears and they all stood back up. They were gonna salvage what was left of the next day if it killed them. And since they still knew about the Fenton Cube, it just might if they had to transform.

They made their way back to the others.

''We never did figure out how that candle trick worked,'' Danny said.

(AN: I've decided to continue the story, y'all. It just might be slower updates.)

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