Merry Birthday? (Levi x Reader)

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Well... here we go with Riley writing a little too much for her liking? I dunno.


(Y/n)'s POV
I yawned quietly as I stepped into the shower to rinse out all the dirt and grime from both my hair and body. Yesterday's expedition was definitely one of the longer ones I've been on in awhile. Also, the lack of sleep did nothing in my favor due to the fact that I had to stay up late planning for a multitude of things today. First off, it's Christmas so Hanji made me stay up later in order to help with planning a Christmas party for later this evening which would consist of just the Levi and Hanji squad spending quality time together.

Even though we were having a 'Christmas' party, it's not necessarily going to only be used to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Nope, we now have a very special someone to give a birthday celebration too and that certain someone is none other than Captain Levi himself. I roll my eyes as the hot water flew out of the shower spout and down onto me from below. I sigh and begin to scrub my hair with shampoo as I hum to myself.

"Dammit, where the hell could she be-" I widened my eyes and turn to the sound of a voice entering the room. I felt my mouth fall open as I see the corporal standing in the doorway just staring at me with his own surprised expression. I shriek, turning to try and cover myself, "What the fuck, Levi?!" I yelled, my cheeks feeling as though they had caught fire.

"Shit, I am so sorry (Y/n)-" Levi began making me glare at the wall. "Get the hell out!" I followed up making him freeze and instantly step out of the bathroom entrance making me sigh in relief. I never imagined that situation to ever be happening which made me feel beyond embarrassed. This morning couldn't get any worse... and it's literally only been thirty minutes since I got up. God, doesn't help the fact that I also have a massive crush that no one knows about besides my closest friend, Mikasa. And when she knows a secret, there is no doubt that she will most definitely keep her mouth shut.

I take a quick shower before stepping out and wrapping both my hair and self in a towel to keep from dripping water everywhere. I cautiously dried my body off before grabbing the bra and underwear which I had laid out beforehand, quickly putting both items on. I peeked my head around the corner, praying Levi hadn't decided to wait for me to get out which, thankfully, he didn't.

I felt a sigh of relief breach my lips before walking over to where my uniform laid and quickly pulling everything on, only struggling with a few of the buckles on the straps that were harder for me to reach around my body. I walked back over to my dresser to brush out my hair when I saw a small note lying on top of the brush. I raised my brow in a curious manner as I gently picked it up. It was written very neatly considering how small the paper was. I squinted my eyes and began to read it...

Dear (Y/n),
           My deepest apologies regarding the small incident, I should've known better since you weren't answering when I knocked on your door. Anyway, I was just coming in to let you know that training has been canceled today due to the holiday. Very irritating, if you ask me, I don't see the point. Enjoy your day.
                     Captain Rivaille Ackerman

Wow. With how formal the letter was trying to be, it seemed like almost too much in a sense. I smiled softly before folding the note neatly and placing it inside one of my drawers, carefully sliding it shut to make sure not to wrinkle the paper any more than it already had to be.

I sighed before beginning to brush out every little tangle in my hair, wincing a few times as the brush got caught every now and then. I eventually placed the brush back down before walking out of my room to the dining hall where both Hanji and Levi squads were gathered together, laughing and talking in excitement due to training being canceled. I smiled to myself and was about to walk over before a hand grabbed me and yanked me over to the squad leaders table. Oh no.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant