Genderbend (Part 2 of 3)

Start from the beginning

"Not until you take a shower, get dressed, and come hang out with the rest of us genderbent teens." I chuckle and he smiles. "There she is. Welcome back, goofball."

"I'm not the goofball, and it's he now. I'm a giant tall guy with an excessively large dick."

"Jeezus Bolt!" Robin shouts, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

I snicker as I finish my food, speeding through my shower, change into new clothes, all before Robin stands up. "Done."

Robin smiles as he shakes his head. "Come on, the others are waiting to see you."

He leads me out to the living area, and I'm immediately locked in a hug with Megan.

"You're okay! We were so worried about you!" she confesses.

"You guys are acting like you haven't seen me in years."

"Feels like it," Artemis says, side hugging me.

"I've missed my racing buddy," Wally smiles.

"It is good to see that you are well," Kaldur admits.

"Yeah, what they said," Conner mumbles.

They're lying. They don't care about a murderer like you.

I jerk my head back and forth, trying to rid the agitating voice. "So, what are we doing today?"

"Batman wants us to go out and train with our new bodies to get used to them in case there's an emergency before we can be changed back," Wally answers with an annoyed scoff.

"Sounds practical," I nod.

"More like annoying," Wally scoffs. "I don't wanna have to get used to this body."

"Team, report to the mission room for training," Batman's voice announces.


After training, Black Canary pulls me aside.

"I was glad to see you were out and about today, Bolt," Black Canary voices. "I heard about what happened. I just wanted to let you know, if you want to talk, I'll listen."

Until she learns you're a murderer.

"I know you will, and I'm just not ready. I don't think I ever will be," I respond.

It's just you, me, papa, momma, and all the other villains.

"We're here for you," Canary continues.

I nod. "I know."

You don't belong here. You're a villain at heart.

No, I'm a hero at heart.

Keep telling yourself that.

We return to the living room to watch tv. A few hours go by before my phone begins to vibrate. I look at the caller to see papa. I quickly answer, adjusting my voice to sound somewhat girly. "Hi, papa."

"Where are you?"

I look around at the stares from the group around me. "Hanging out with friends."


"You're missing school. We just got a call."

"Yeah, I'm gonna need another doctor's note for this week," I murmur. "I'll get my work completed fast, you know I always do."

Shuffling is heard. "Little Monster, you can't keep skipping school," momma says.

"I know. I know. Anyway, I thought you said that you two were away doing something top secret."

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