Stuck in the Snow (Jesus x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Not sure," you answer, "Hours I guess." Jesus nods as he rubs his hands together for warmth. He cups them and blows warm air into his hands, trying to speed up the process.

"You must be freezing," he says, "Here, put these on." He pulls off his gloves and hat and holds them out to you. "I don't bite," he tells you, "I really am just trying to help."

"Thanks," you reply, cautiously reaching out to take the clothing from him. You pull the beanie onto your head before pulling on the gloves.

"Where are your people?" he asks, "Shouldn't they be out looking for you?"

"I don't have people," you admit, "I'm on my own."

"Oh," Jesus says softly, "Well, you could always come back with me."

"Back with you where?" you question.

"I'm part of this community," he tells you, "Everything's not perfect, but there are people there, protection, shelter, food. You don't have to be alone out here."

"Why would you invite me in that easily?" you ask him, "You don't know me. I could be an axe murderer for all you know."

"Well, I don't see an axe," Jesus reasons, "And you haven't tried to kill me yet, which means we're off to a better start than some other meetings I've had."

"I haven't been a part of a community in so long, I wouldn't know what to do with myself," you press.

"Sounds familiar," he tells you.

"What do you mean?" you question.

"I'm part of the community, but I can never seem to stick around long," he answers, "I don't have family there or a real reason to stay. I use it more as a home base and spend most of my time going on runs, looking for groups we can trade with."

"So you think they would let me do something like that too?" you ask.

"I'm sure they would," he answers, "And I could vouch for you."

"That's if we don't die out here first," you point out, "It's still snowing."

"Great," Jesus sighs, "Well, it looks like we're stuck here."

"We?" you question.

"I was hoping you would let me stay, at least until the snow stops again," he admits, "But if you want me to leave, just say the word and you'll never see me again."

"Don't go," you request. You still weren't sure if you could trust this man, but the idea of being left alone was even scarier.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" he asks.

"Yeah," you answer as you let yourself find a more comfortable position on the seat, "I can't just throw you out into the cold, especially after you were nice enough to give me your hat and gloves." Jesus smiles and nods almost to himself.

"I never got your name," he tells you.

"Y/N," you reply.

"Y/N," he repeats, "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Jesus," you reply. He laughs at the way you say his nickname.

"Only my friends call me Jesus," he teases.

"So I guess we're friends now," you laugh quietly. His smile fades as he looks you over.

"When was the last time you ate?" he questions.

"It's been a while," you admit. He sighs.

"And you're still shaking," he points out, "Here, take my coat."

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