Hilltop (Jesus x Reader)

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Request: Hi! I saw you wrote a Daryl fic and I was wondering if maybe you'd write a Paul (Jesus) fic. Like maybe the reader lives at Hilltop and Jesus comes back after finding Alexandria. Maybe he and the reader are in a relationship and she greets him (smutty smut smut) when he returns. Female reader sex and gender plz.

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Jesus x Reader

Word Count: 1,653

Warnings: Language, smut


"Mmm, you're back," you mumble sleepily, yawning right after the words leave your mouth.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Jesus says as he lifts the covers and slips beneath them.

"I'm glad you did," you tell him. You roll to your side, turning to face him before snuggling up against him. "I missed you," you whisper.

"I missed you too," he says before placing a kiss to the top of your head. His hand runs soothingly through your hair as if to convince you both that he really was there.

"Find anything interesting?" you question.

"I did actually," he answers, "There's another group out there. They're called Alexandria and I think they may be the kind of people we can trade with."

"What're they like?" you ask him.

"They're good people," Jesus answers, "They're slow to trust, but you can't blame them. They're also fighters, which is good, and their leader seems to know what he's doing."

"Unlike Gregory you mean?" you roll your eyes.

"Very unlike Gregory," Jesus assures, "What's he up to by the way?"

"You know him, always trying to get what's best for him and covering his ass in the process," you reply.

"Sounds about right," Jesus sighs.

Light begins to leak through the window, filling the tiny bedroom of your trailer. Looking up at him, you can't help but smile. You got why they called him Jesus. He could've walked right out of a painting; and his sky blue eyes? Damn, you could get lost in them for hours. The way the light shines through the window makes it look like there's a halo around his head.

"What is it?" Jesus asks, "Why are you smiling like that."

"Because of you," you answer truthfully.

"Really?" he asks. Suddenly, you find yourself on your back, Jesus above you.

"Well good morning to you too," you tease, reaching up to brush his long hair behind his ear. He smiles before leaning down to kiss you, his lips soft against yours.

"I missed you," he mumbles against your lips, "You're the best reason to come back to this place." You hum against his lips.

"Knowing you'll come back is the best reason to hang around here," you mutter against his lips.

"You could come on runs with me you know," he offers.

"I would, but who would keep Gregory in check?" you question.

"Fair point," he concedes, "But for right now, let's not talk about him or anything else outside of us, not while I have you all to myself."

"Fair enough," you agree. Pulling him closer, you begin leaving kisses down his neck. One of his hands twists into your hair and tugs lightly, exposing your neck to him. You moan softly as he places gentle kisses to the skin, focusing on the sweet spot behind your ear. His beard scratches lightly at the skin.

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