Guest (Negan x Reader)

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Requests: What if you were the one to open the door when Negan brings Carl back instead of Olivia? AND *blushes* can I ask for a fic where the reader likes Negan but can't say anything because of what he's done to the group? Maybe smut with choking? *still blushing* AND I know this sounds weird, but what about a Negan x Reader where he uses Lucille and makes the reader cum around her handle? Please and thanks! OK, bye now *runs and hides*

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Negan x Reader

Word Count: 3,766

Warnings: Language, smut, oral, dom/sub, hair pulling, use of Lucille as a sex toy, choking


"Ok, Judith, you stay right here," you say to the little girl as you place her back in her crib. The pounding on the door frightened you. There were so many possibilities as to what it could mean.

"Well hello there," Negan practically purrs as you open the door to find him standing behind it.

"What do you want?" you ask him, noticing Carl standing close behind him with his head hung low.

"Damn, you need to work on you hospitality, Sweetheart," Negan tells you, "Here I am bringing this lost boy home and you don't even have the decency to let me in. What has the world come to?"

"Come in," you grumble. You push the door open and step to the side, allowing the two of them to come inside. Negan was a source of constant frustration. You found him attractive, what with his charm and swagger; but after what he did to your friends, you knew you could never let your feelings show. What would people think if they knew you had a thing for the enemy?

"Where's Rick?" Negan asks, swing his bat casually.

"Out," you answer, "I was -"

"Don't care!" he interrupts, "Where's Rick?"

"Like I said, out," you answer angrily, "From what I heard, he went pretty far, looking for supplies for you. It might be days before he's back. Why don't you leave and we can send you a calling card when he returns."

"Naw, I'll wait," he tells you, "You don't mind, do you, Carl?"

"No," Carl answers, defiance in his voice.

"Well, sounds like we may be spending a whole lot of time together," Negan says as he stalks towards you, "What do you say to letting me fuck your pretty little brains out while we wait?" You desperately wanted to say yes, but you knew you couldn't. Your frustration takes over and you can't stop yourself from slapping him right across the face.

"Ow!" he says, rubbing his jaw, "I'm gonna take that as a 'no.'" Your hand stung with the force of the impact and fear suddenly washes through you. This was it, your time was up. Negan seemed to find you amusing, but that amusement didn't outweigh the fact that you'd outright defied him. "Damn!" he chuckles before leaning in close to your ear, "You just got about fifty percent hotter, and let me tell you, that is a whole lot of hot. Let me know if you rethink that offer." He grins at you before walking away, his bat across his shoulders.

"Can I get you something else?" you ask him, trying to make up for what you'd just done, "Some water maybe?"

"Now there's the hospitality I was talking about," Negan praises, "Thank you, Y/N, how about some lemonade? I know I was kind enough to leave some here."

"I believe you were," you say, sarcasm thick in your voice.

"Why don't you scurry off and find that for me will ya?" Negan requests. Shit. You hadn't thought about it until now, but this meant leaving Negan in the house alone with Carl and Judith.

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