Akito (A Fruits Basket Fanfiction)

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Prepare to be disturbed...

So let's fill you in. If you didn't read the Manga for Fruits Basket then all you really need to know is that Akito is in fact a woman (gasp!) and she's sleeping with Shigure (gasp!). This is a fanfic based around their relationship as well as the general character of Akito, and though the general idea is the same as the Manga, I've taken artistic licence and changed a few things. The format for each chapter is that the start (in italics) is a dream/flashback from Akito's past. If you're confused than tell me and I'll sort it out or something... anyways, read it, have fun, remember to vote and comment!

"Akito" said Shigure. He was 12 years old and a whole head taller then me but I didn't care. He had chosen to talk to me. But still, there was something I didn't understand-

"Why don't you hate me?" I asked suspiciously, looking up at him through the gap in my hair.

Shigure laughed. "Oh, I do. I'm talking to you today because Aya and Hatori are out and I'm lonely"

"Oh" I said.

"Gosh Kito, I'm kidding. Lighten up!" he snorted.

"Right" I said, though I couldn't help a little smile.

"You're so silly Kito" he grinned. "But hey- don't tell anyone I hung out with you today, alright?"

"Uhm, sure" I said.

"Good" he smiled, and somewhere in my 9 year old self, under the boy's clothing and all of the scars that decorated my chest and my soul, I felt happier then I'd ever been before.

I opened my eyes slowly, the beautiful memory still vivid in my mind. I looked across the bed, my gaze lingering where Shigure was sleeping peacefully, his bare chest rising and falling slowly as he breathed.

He was still here.

I sighed and got up silently, pulling on my clothes and shoes. I knew the drill by now, it had been the same every night for almost three years. We never saw each other in the mornings: it made it so much easier to pretend there was nothing going on that way.

There was nothing going on. That was what I told myself during the day. Every night was the last time, yet somehow the next evening I always ended up outside his bedroom door. We never talked about us, although in fairness we never spoke at all, and although I knew that my feelings for him were a lot stronger than just friends with benefits, it was clear that was all Shigure was interested in. I kissed his forehead and left the room.

"And so then I said, oh Harry you simply must hear what I said next, I said 'Well Mr Postman, why don't you just let me take that large parcel!'" drifted a man's voice through the hall. Ayame.

"It's a wonder they haven't locked you up" came Hatori's monotonous reply.

They fell silent as I stalked past them, Hatori deliberately not meeting my gaze. It was a funny thing about Hatori- he was one of the only three people who knew of my sex: the first being my mother (after all, she was there at the time) and the other being Shigure, who had his reasons for knowing. In Hatori's case, knowing about my secret only seemed to make me more distant to him and so the silence was there even after I was out of earshot.

I sat in my study in Sohma house, the one with the circular window and sighed. Shigure had gone back to Yuki (I wonder what he told the boy, or whether Yuki even realised he was gone each night) that morning and I had seen no one since I passed Ayame and Hatori on the way here. It was now 8.00 pm. I hadn't eaten all day either but I wasn't hungry.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shigure walking towards the house. He was strangely early today. He came straight into my study and sat down opposite me, his expression emotionless.

"Kyo's back" he said simply.

"Oh" I replied.

Shigure crossed and uncrossed his arms. "I think it would do him good to stay with us."

"You mean with you and Yuki?" I asked.

"Yeah" Shigure said, scratching his head. "One other thing. Yuki has invited a girl into the house"

"A... girl?" I repeated, in surprised amusement. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I mean a girl. From his school. She has no home and he'd like her to live with us. I think it'd be fine if-"

"Shigure" I mused. "Remind me what our family curse is?"

Shigure looked surprised but he didn't dare disobey me. "If we are hugged by a member of the opposite gender, or put our bodies under too much stress, we transform into animals from the zodiac"

"Yes" I said softly. "Do you really think that inviting a woman to live with you, Yuki and Kyo is a good idea?"

Shigure opened and closed his mouth four times.

"Because I do" I decided, my voice a low hiss. "I think it could be very interesting."

Shigure looked a delightful blend between curiously confused and overwhelmingly nervous. "What? What's your plan with this?"

I growled. "Do I have to have a reason for everything? How do you know I don't just want to try it and see if it works?"

Shigure searched my face for a moment to no avail. "You always have a reason for everything, Kito"

The use of my nickname during the day when our relationship was strictly professional made my pulse quicken, though I didn't allow my poker face to falter. (A/N: can't read ma, can't read ma, no you can't read mah poker face!... I'm so bad at poker)

"I don't always have a reason for... everything" I said, my upper lip curling into a twisted sneer.

Shigure smiled innocently. "Yes you do."

"Why did I hurt Hatori's eye?"

"Because you were jealous of Kana" Shigure answered truthfully.

"Why did I have lasagne for dinner last night?"

Shigure sighed. "Your favourite meal has been lasagne since you were a kid and we used to eat it whilst playing happy clappy games."

"Why am I wearing this jumper?" I asked, gesturing to the turtle-necked grey jumper that came up to my chin.

Shigure blushed. "Because of the hicke-"

"Enough!" I snapped. "There is no reason for me allowing Yuki's girlfriend to live with you!"

I was lying of course. The bet between my mother and I had been long standing:- if the zodiac members were exposed to outsiders and still came back to me, my mother would bow to me. If they deserted me, I would have to leave the family. I wasn't concerned that Yuki and Kyo would leave the family; after all, where else would they go?

"Great!" Shigure chuckled. "After all, she is really cute!"

I was going to kill that girl when I found her. I'd been told I couldn't handle jealousy and I guess I couldn't. I didn't care at all though. As I crossed the hall to Shigure's room, I plotted how exactly to remove this girl from his presence as soon as possible.

After all, if I couldn't have him then nobody could.

I'm away on camp from tomorrow to Tuesday so leave me a comment so I can have fun reading them when I get home! Also, the epilogue to Mid Life Crisis is coming up soon so that should be fun. It's actually entered for the 'Honey' catagory of the Ouran Wattys and it would mean the world to me if y'all went and voted for it.

Emonass out, glitches

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