Abuse Is In My Nature

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A lovely short chapter for y'all! The beginning is set when Akito is a teenager and hasn't started her 'relationship' with Shigure yet. The bit not in italics continues from where the last chapter left off, so they are in fact together.

There are five types of abuse. Physical, mental, emotional, sexual and neglective. It was the physical abuse that hurt Yuki, I thought as I cracked the whip against his bare palms, but it was the mental abuse that gave me control over his young mind.

"Please stop!" the child sobbed, blood beginning to appear on his hands.

I smirked. "I'm afraid you have to be taught-" I raised the whip again- "To"-CRACK-"Respect"-CRACK-"Your"-CRACK-"Elders".

"I'm sorry!" sobbed Yuki, lurching away from me. "I'm sorry!"

Scowling at him, I raised the whip high above my head. The fear in his eyes was obvious, I could see myself reflected in his glassy pupils.

I gave him a smile and left him alone in the room.

Like I said, it was the mental abuse that gave me control over him.

Physical. Mental. Emotional. Sexual. Neglective. Five words that summed up my relationship with Shigure. Five different types of abuse.

Shigure wasn't the only person I abused in some way or another. Kisa, Hatori, Kana, Hiro, Kyo, Momiji and of course Yuki had all been subject to some form of torture from me, whether directly or not. But Shigure was the only person I had abused in every single one of these ways, often all at the same time, and I didn't understand why. Thinking about it was giving me a headache and I groaned softly, unwilling to open my eyes just yet.

I finally managed to force my eyes open and my hazy vision was enough to tell me that Shigure was gone. I sat up miserably, staring for a moment at the slight disturbance in the duvet which was the only thing that suggested Shigure had been here at all. Well, that and the scars on my back. It was funny to think of it really, but, in some sort of twisted way, it was true.

However much I may abuse Shigure, it was nothing compared to how he abused me.

"Hatori, I think I might visit Hatsuharu and Momiji today" I announced, crossing into his laboratory.

He looked up from his work in surprise. "They're at school" he said blankly.

"That's what I'm proposing." I sighed, rolling my eyes at his slowness.

"You want to go into the school?" Hatori asked. "Akito, I'm not sure if that's advisable-"

"I would like to go into the school" I said firmly. "Take me to the school Hatori"

I leaned against the wall, watching in disgust as the students bustled past me: the sluts in the short skirts that Shigure would have flirted with right in front of me, muttering an apology for it later in bed; the school council members who were so up themselves that they saw it as their right to go around correcting everybody else's actions; the nerds who avoided the fact that nobody liked them by losing themselves in books and the empty promises from cheesy song lyrics and shallow quotes that, in the end, the popular, attractive kids would be working in McDonalds and they, despite the fact that they clearly lacked the social skills or looks to achieve anything beyond over-studying for a Geography test, would eventually come out on top.

This corridor was stifling me.

"Poor Kyo!" sighed a girl of around 16, wandering along aimlessly. "He must be so tired with Momiji and Haru around!"

So this was Tohru. The girl who was living with Shigure. I remembered how he thought she was cute and scowled slightly.

"You seem cheerful" I said loudly.

She looked up in surprise. "Oh, sorry, um, hello" she mumbled, bowing as a blush spread across her face.

"You must be Tohru. My name, as I'm sure you know, is Akito"

"Akito" she gasped, then stopped herself quickly. "Uh, I mean-"

"You are very polite" I observed. "I like your manners. And-" I thought back to what Shigure had said and had to physically refrain myself from strangling her. "And you're cute too"

Tohru looked at me, becoming more and more flustered as she tried to find something to say. "I-I-I, uh, that is-"

"Akito?" came a voice from behind me and I glanced back at Yuki.

"Yes?" I asked snidely.

Tohru looked like a surprised rabbit. "Y-Yuki!" she stammered.

"What have you done to her?" Yuki demanded.

"Nothing, nothing" I smirked. "Miss Honda and I were just getting ourselves... acquainted. Although I must ask... where were you on New Years Yuki?"

His large, rat like eyes that were too big for his face widened. "I was... I"

"Oh dear Yuki" I tutted. "Do I need to re-educate you in that little room?"

Yuki went pale and began to shake slightly. I could tell that he was reliving memories: he was, after all, related to me. "N- please n-" he almost whimpered.

I smiled momentarily before screaming in pain as Tohru suddenly pushed me over. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry!" Tohru stammered. "I- I wasn't thinking. Oh no, what've I done?"

"I think you'd better get back to class" I said, repositioning myself.

Yuki nodded gratefully.

"I should return to Shigure and the other Sohmas. They'll be getting worried about me"

The rat beside me looked so relieved for a second that I just had to ruin it.

"And Yuki? Would you pay me a visit soon?"

"So you met Tohru?" Shigure asked as I climbed into the car beside him. "What did you think?"

I glanced down at my lap. "She is probably the ugliest girl I've ever seen. She's not too bright either, I doubt I have anything to worry about there. It's obvious that Yuki won't be interested in her for long, he knows where his true loyalties lie."

"Ouch!" Shigure said, raising his eyebrows. "That's harsh. And not true either she's actually qu-"


"Kito?" Shigure asked softly. "Are you... jealous?"

"No" I objected.

He poked me. "You ARE jealous! Aww, Kito, you're adorable"

"Shut up!" I snapped but I was smiling on the inside. Tohru was just cute, I was adorable. Therefore, it could only be assumed that I had won.

Akito (A Fruits Basket Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя