As I get out of my room me and Nick lock eyes as he comes out of his. He keeps a blank expression on his face and is the first to look away. He then goes back in his room and comes back out seconds later with a leather jacket in his and gives it to me before he makes his way down stairs. I look at my leather jacket that I had left at the party yesterday, now that I think of it when Liam came in with Tyler and Nick, Nick was holding a leather jacket in one hand, no wonder it looked so familiar.

My eyes widen in realization that my leather jacket wasn't the only thing in his hand when he came out of his room. I run down the stairs to catch up with Nick hoping he didn't walk out the door yet.

"Nick wait!"

Nick turns his attention away from the front door and sighs as I walk up to him, "why are you leaving?"

"Your really going to fucking ask me that?" Nick gives me an annoyed look.

"I'm sorry for what Tyler did to you" I say "I hope you could forgive him"

Nick gives a cold laugh "if he ever apologizes and why would you care it's what you wanted right?"

"Not really, I don't want you an Tyler like this" I say truthfully.

Without hesitation Nick leaves out the door. I huff and stomp my foor angrily, he's so stubborn! Tyler walks into the room, "who left?"

I run up to Tyler, "Nick left"

Tylers eyes dart to the door with his eyes wide but changes his expression just as fast and shrugs "so, it's his decision"

I smack his arm "you idiot go apologize to him!"

"Why?" Tyler says looking at me confused. What is wrong with you?

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you? I thought you didn't want him here" Tyler says.

"But I know you do" I say.

"But I'm taking your feeling for it too" Tyler says.

I sigh "Tyler do you really think I would want you to loose a friendship? I saw the way you looked at the door when I said he left"

"But Tony I thou-"

I cut him off "Tyler please apologize to him, you beat him up and he let you when he didn't know it was me and apologized, and he was the one who warned me not to go to the party when his friend invited me to go"

"So your fine with Nick staying?" Tyler asks.

I nod and push him to the door and he quickly exits the house and runs toward Nick, I follow Tyler because I wanted to see what happens.

Tyler catches up to Nick and calls his name he places a hand on his shoulder and turns him around, "what?"

"I'm sorry"

"Okay" Nick says and moves his sholder out of Tyler's grasp.

"I was angry at Tony and got even more mad once I found out it was you, I didn't know weither to believe you or not when you said you didn't mean to do what you did, also when you let me hit you and you didn't do anything about it got me more pissed for some reason, I couldn't control my feelings yesterday, I don't want you to leave" Tyler says with concern in his eyes afraid Nick won't accept his apology.

Nick sighs "it's fine, but I don't think I want to stay"

Tyler takes a step closer "why? Is it because you think I still don't trust you? Trust me I do, it's Tony I don't" he gives a glare when he says that and turns his attention back to Nick.

I look down feeling guilty.

"Is it really okay?" Nick asks.

Tyler smiles and nods and Nick smiles back. Without any warning Tyler pulls him into a hug and Nick hesitates before hugging him back, I noticed Nick as not a hugging type of guy, like it's seriously rare to see this guy hug someone or show any sort of affection to someone.

My stomach growls again and both boys break from the hug to look at me. I look down in embarrassment and Tyler laugh "way to ruin the moment"

"Shut up" I say glaring at Tyler and walk up to the guys.

I start to push Tyler to the door, "make some pancakes!"

"Tony quit pushing me, I have to make sure Nick actually comes back in!" Tyler says with a laugh making it harder for me to push him.

I look back at Nick who is laughing at me, I take his hand and pull him over and push Tyler so they both can go back inside so I can eat some pancakes!


The three of us are now sitting on a couch together eating pancakes watching TV and talking. "You know I actually think Tony might have a crush on you"

"What makes you think that?" I ask looking over at Tyler.

"You begged me to ask Nick to stay" Tyler exaggerates what happened "I think she knew it was you"

"And I think you know what I'm about to do to you with this fork" I threaten and reach over Nick, who is currently sitting in between me and Tyler, and try to stab Tyler with my fork.

"Yo chill" Nick says and holds me back.

"See she's in denial" Tyler laughs and so does Nick and I glare at him, he quickly stops laughing because he knows I can easily stab him with my fork.

"Hey would you let me and Tony date if we did like each other?" Nick asks.

Tyler shrugs "probably"

"Really?" Nick asks surprised.

"Well in that case" Nick says and takes my hand "we're actually dating"

I give Nick a surprised look and all he does is smirk at me. What is he doing?!

"What?!" Tyler practically screams ready to beat up Nick again.

Nick just starts laughing and lets go of my hand, "dude chill I was joking, I knew you wouldn't"

"What do you mean, how'd you know I would get mad, I didn't know I'd get mad" Tyler says.

"Cause your psycho" Nick says taking a big pancake peice on his fork and putting it in his mouth.

"This is the one time I actually agree with Nick" I say "you are psycho"

"No I'm not" Tyler tries to argue, and me and Nick look at each other.

"What?" Tyler asks, "why'd you guys look at each other like that? I'm not psycho"

"You just quoted what a psycho said once" Nick says and I start laughing.

"I'm not fucking psycho" Tyler argues.

Me and Nick look at eachother again enjoying this too much. Nick has a mouthful of pancakes trying not to laugh, he looks so cute.

Did I just call Nick cute?

Ignore that. I never said that. You just read it wrong. Trust me it's a typo.

I look away from him and turn my attention back to my pancakes still hearing Tyler arguing with Nick that he's not psycho.

Am I psycho? I thought of Nick as cute. I probably am.

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