The H/Clr haired girl backed up into a wall... No, person. The person wrapped an arm around her neck while the other held up a knife. "All right, everyone stop!", the male commanded. Everyone turned to see Y/N being held at knife point by the "leader".

"You leave her alone!", Jace shouted angrily, stepping forward. "Ah, ah, ah! Another step and this pretty face gets a scar", the male pointed the knife at the girl's face. "Jace", Vasco said lowly, looking very worried for the B/T girl's safety. "What do you want?", the large eared man reluctantly asked.

"Well, I want the girl obviously. And for you all to leave", the man gestured around with his knife. "We'll leave but the girl comes with us", Jace glanced from Y/N to the guy with the knife. "Are you stupid or something? I WANT the GIRL. I could just have my guys beat you up and cut out the middle man... But I like to believe we can end things civilly", the man said sarcastically.

"No", Vasco spoke up getting angrier by the minute, but restrained himself for Y/N. "Well maybe I can let her go. Not without leaving a few presents first", the man said as he held the knife to the H/Clr haired girl's throat. "What do you think about that sweetheart?", the man asked, looking down at Y/N.

"Well, I think your breath stinks", the girl deadpanned, not looking very worried. "What did you just-", he began; "Are you deaf I said your breath stinks", the girl interrupted. "You think this is a joke?!", the man shouted.

"Why are you shouting? I'm right here. I don't think this is a joke. But I do think you are", the girl rolled her eyes. "You know I was having a nice day and then you guys came to interrupt. If you want a girl's attention you walk up like a gentleman. And when a girl says no she means no", the Hgt girl seemed to lecture the group.

"You shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you. If not my hand might slip", the man said as he held his knife to her throat. "Meh. I've seen bigger", the girl shrugged before grabbing the man's hand and twisting it around his back.

"You bitch!", the man shouted in pain, "Well that's not very nice", Y/N said before punching him out cold. "Now... Who else wants to get knocked out by a girl?", the girl challenged as she cracked her knuckles and neck. The entire group looked shocked at the girls actions as she approached them.

-One group fight later-

"How did you learn how to do that?!", Jace asked as the group left the other group of unconscious people behind. "I could tell you; but I'd have to kill you", the girl said seriously, earning concerned looks from the crew. "I'm just messing with you. My aunt taught me how to fight when I was younger. So now, I'm a badass!", the B/T girl shouted earning a laugh from the group.

At some point the group split up to go home or do literally anything else but go home. Jace and Vasco began walking Y/N home. "You know the Burn Knuckles Crew could always use more members", Jace said all of a sudden. "Wouldn't that ruin your whole manly men, badass aesthetic?", the Hgt girl asked.

"Didn't you just say you're a badass?", the large eared male poked fun at her. "Yes, but I'm not a manly man", the girl said matter of fact. "Well you could be the first girl in the Burn Knuckles Crew. Imagine how many guys would be embarrassed if a girl beat them up", Jace laughed.

"Well... What do you think Vasco?", the girl asked suddenly; if there was one person to ask, it was the founder. "I don't want you to get hurt", the tattooed man said. Seeing her being held like that earlier made his blood boil. "But, she can obviously handle herself", Jace seemed to argue.

"It's okay... I'll respect your wishes, Vasco", the girl nodded simply. Jace seemed a bit sad at that news but agreed none the less. "Ah shit", the large eared man cursed suddenly, "What?", the girl inquired. "My dry cleaning! The place closes in thirty minutes!", the large eared man face palmed.

"Go! Haul ass and you might make it!", the H/Clr haired girl ordered. "All right Vasco, I'll see you. Take Y/N home!", Jace began backing up. "I said HAUL ASS!", the girl shouted as the he laughed and began running. "Psshh. Take Y/N home", the girl mocked making a talking gesture with her hand.

"Like he thinks you're about to ditch me", Y/N said sounding a bit offended, Vasco seemed to smile at that comment. "Y/N, you're not mad at me are you?", the tattooed man asked, sounding worried. "No, why?", she asked as if she never even thought about being mad at him.

"... Because I don't want you to join Burn Knuckles", Vasco said, hesitating a bit. He didn't like the thought of Y/N angry with him or not wanting to be his friend. "No way. That is your decision to make, after all", the girl shook her head. "Not that I haven't thought of joining", the B/T girl mused aloud earning a curious look.

"Well at first I thought you guys might have been a bunch of thugs because you usually see thugs traveling in groups. But, then I saw how you guys help people and protect the weak", she began explaining. "When I was younger that was all I wanted to do. I started building my strength up so that maybe I could become strong enough to help people... But, it backfired pretty quickly", the girl said sadly.

Y/N went on to explain a bit about what happened in her time in H/Twn. How people thought she was a freak and made fun of her. "I'm sorry", Vasco said, feeling sad that anyone would treat her that way. "I'm not", the girl said earning a surprised look from the tattooed man.

"If none of that happened, I would've never met you guys", Y/N explained with a small smile on her face. Vasco felt his heart begin pounding in his chest at that smile. "I'm sure I can find another way to help people. I respect your decision because you're my friend Vasco", the girl said as they arrived to the dojo.

"Y/N", Vasco spoke up suddenly, making the girl turn to see something large drape over her shoulders. She glanced over to see it was Vasco's enormous leather jacket with the Burn Knuckles Crew logo printed on the back. "No fighting", the tattooed man now in a tank top commanded, pointing a finger at her.

"You got it boss", Y/N saluted earning a small smile from Vasco. "I'll see you at school", the girl waved as the tattooed male walked away. She was finally part of a group that helped people, she was so excited. Vasco's jacket however, was entirely too big... But comfy nonetheless.

[A/N: Achievement unlocked: recieved boyfriend jacket!~
Once again, hope y'all have a nice holiday, or regular day!]

Builder's Heart and Soul [Vasco X Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें