Ch 3

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[This chapter's guide:
Y/N= your name     L/N= last name
Hgt=height      B/T= body type
E/Clr= Eye color    H/Clr= hair color]

Days went by relatively well, Y/N and Buddy would explore their surroundings and the Hgt girl would brush up on her Korean. The people so far were quite nice but surprised to see foreigners. The H/Clr haired girl even discovered a good trail for her and Buddy to run in the near future.

Buddy hadn't gotten a new dog house yet, so he remained inside most nights much to his delight. Eventually Mina signed up her niece for a Vocational School nearby that had an Architecture department. Y/N was both excited and nervous to begin school again.

Excited because it had an architecture department and was in a new country. But, she was nervous about being foreigner in school and if anyone ever found out about her. "Jae Won High... I wonder if the people there are nice", Y/N pondered the night before school.

-Next Day-

The Hgt, B/T girl was pretty sick of uniforms at this point. She tugged on the short skirt a bit realizing she couldn't just will it to grow. So she quickly slipped on black leggings underneath hoping it wouldn't get her into trouble. With that she anxiously left her new home to her new school.

Y/N cautiously made her way through the gates of the school, trying not to bring any attention to herself. "Calm down!... You can do this!... You're just a regular student in school who happens to be a foreigner... It won't be that hard to blend in", the girl tried to convince herself.

The Hgt girl received her schedule before making her way to class. It was still the beginning of the semester, so transfer students weren't uncommon. But, when the staff heard she had applied for the Architecture department, they gave her strange looks.

Y/N was confused at first, but soon found out why. Once the teacher announced her presence she walked through the door. The Hgt, B/T girl then found herself face with a class full of some of the most intimidating looking males she had ever seen. They were just as shocked about her appearance as she was theirs.

What was even more intimidating was that there wasn't a single female student amongst them... She was going to be the only one. "Go on, introduce yourself", the teacher said, snapping her out of her stupor.

"O-oh yeah... Um, my name is Y/N L/N... And um, I like architecture... Obviously, that's why I'm in this class... With all you guys", the girl stuttered a bit awkwardly. "All right Y/N take an empty seat anywhere so we can begin", the teacher gestured to the class.

"Yeah... okay", the girl said nervously looking around the room. "Yo, you can have my seat", a guy with large ears and tattoos on his arms said, raising his hand. "U-um thank you", the girl said, earning a polite smile from the boy as she tried to walk "normally".

Y/N ended up sitting next to a large intimidating guy who also had tattoos. The large male had brown hair, facial hair, and sharp dark eyes. She felt eyes on her the entire time as the teacher was lecturing. The guy next to her began to shift uncomfortably as the teacher asked them to take notes.

If she had to guess, he probably didn't have a pencil. She wanted to offer, but she was scared... What if he didn't give it back?!... Wait... What was she doing?! "Don't ever judge a book by it's cover", Y/N scolded herself.

The Hgt girl had met plenty off tough, no nonsense guys that were the nicest people in the world... All she had to do was give them a chance and treat them how she would want to be treated. "U-um, excuse me", the girl began as the tattooed male turned his attention to her.

"D-did you need a pencil?", the girl tried to ask in the most normal sounding voice she could. The male seemed to stare at her with his sharp eyes for a long moment before nodding slowly. The girl nodded and handed him a pencil that he could use.

Most of the time in class went by relatively smoothly as she felt gazes every now and then. Once lunch period arrived, she wasn't sure what to do or where to go. "Hey Y/N", the large eared guy from earlier walked up to her desk. "Um, hi", Y/N greeted, not expecting anyone to approach her.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Jace Park", the guy introduced himself as he held out his hand. The girl took it before shaking and letting go. "The big guy next to you is my friend EunTae Lee", Jace gestured to the large tattooed guy.

Though upon closer inspection the Hgt girl could see the tattoos properly. Both of the males tattoos were quite beautiful. "Do you wanna come have lunch with us?", the large eared man offered politely. After a brief moment of thinking, the H/Clr haired girl nodded.

As it turned out nearly the entire class went to lunch together. Walking with a group of large guys was intimidating at first, but Jace made it more comfortable. "So how are you liking the school so far?", the big eared male asked casually.

"Well, it's only my first day so I don't know enough to make a valid opinion", Y/N responded simply. "Fair enough. I know it can be pretty uncomfortable being in a class with all guys. Believe me, we weren't expecting you to be here either", Jace laughed. The girl nodded in understanding, but was still surprised there wasn't at least one other girl.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna go first?", Jace offered, allowing her to go in line before them. "Um, no that's okay. I'm fine just waiting in the back. I don't even know what to get", the girl began rambling. Luckily, Jace seemed really patient and walked her through the process.

Eventually, the group was sitting down together and began eating their meals. The guys were really welcoming, but still seemed to keep their distance. "So you said you like architecture. What kind?", Jace asked as the whole table seemed to listen in.

"Um, well I really like Gothic and Renaissance Architecture. But also dabble in Victorian and Imperial Architecture", the girl explained earning a nod from the guy. "Unfortunately we mainly focus on modern architecture to build up for a career, but your enthusiasm is great", Jace praised lightly earning murmurs of agreement around the table.

The rest of class was spent relatively well, the rest of the guys seemed to warm up. Everyone was very nice and respectful, she hoped she would fit it well. "Here", the large tattooed male she sat next to handed her pencil back after school. "Thank you", the E/Clr eyed girl smiled slightly as she put the pencil back in her bag.

EunTae didn't seem to talk much during class or lunch. The only person he seemed to really talk to was Jace. Maybe EunTae was shy, or just plain didn't like talking to people. Whatever the case Y/N would respect his choice. Everyone in class seemed to hold him in high regard, so she would have to be careful not to offend him.

By the end of the day the Hgt girl ended up receiving a grey jumpsuit for workshop. It was a bit big for her, but she didn't mind. Though she saw that it did look a bit different from the other guys in class who had a logo printed on the back of theirs.

-Later that evening-

"Soooo... How was school?", Mina asked as the two were having dinner. "It was all right; it was only the first day. But, everyone seemed really nice and they showed me around", the B/T girl explained. "Good, if anyone bothers you, tell me", the woman warned simply.

"How'd your first day go?", Y/N asked, remembering that Mina had potential pupils earlier. "Those assholes took one look at me, laughed, and walked out", Mina said, trying to restrain her anger as she snapped her chopsticks in half. "That just means they weren't good enough", the girl pointed out simply.

"You're damn right they weren't!", the woman yelled making the girl laugh. Everything seemed to be going well so far in their new home. Hopefully nothing much would change besides Mina getting more pupils soon... How wrong she was.

[A/N: Just assume your wearing a black tank top underneath your grey workshop jumpsuit.

Also, moment of truth. Should I keep the names Korean or switch over to the translated ones?

Edit: I translated them. So unless there's an uprising for the names to be changed back, they're staying translated!]

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