Ch 8

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[Your guide for this chapter:
Y/N= your name    Hgt=height     
B/T= body type    S/Tn= skin tone  
E/Clr= eye color   H/Clr= hair color
H/Twn= Hometown

A/N: Happy holidays everyone!... Unless you don't celebrate these holidays... Then happy day! Enjoy this chapter, even though I don't own Lookism!~
P.s the above picture is Buddy's new dog house... I just googled fancy dog houses! XD]

The rest of the weekend went by well and Y/N soon found herself back at school. "Guy's look! I finished it!", the B/T girl ran up to the Burn Knuckles Crew. The group looked at the finished dog house with Buddy happily sitting at the door.

"Is that a garden?", one of the guys pointed out, as the small garden even had ornaments. "Yeah, got a problem with it?", the girl narrowed her E/Clr eyes. He simply put his hands up in surrender as the group laughed.

"Hey Y/N, the Burn Knuckles were going to go to the arcade after school. Wanna come?", Jace offered. "Nah. I don't wanna get in the way of guy time", Y/N waved off politely. "I'm sure no one would mind, right guys?", the group nodded, more than happy to hang out with the girl. "All right then", the B/T girl agreed; happy to hang out with friends.

-After School-

The group walked to the arcade together with Y/N. People stared at the group that looked like they were bodyguards to the Hgt girl. Once they arrived to the arcade the H/Clr haired girl ran over to a racing game.

"Who wants to get owned?!", the girl asked as the group laughed. The crew then developed a tournament style bracket system for winners and losers. In the end it came down to Y/N and Jace.

The crew seemed to lean in, "ooing" and "aaahing" when there were close calls. "Looks like I'm winning this one!", Jace announced confidently, as their "cars" were approaching the finish line. "Oh no! Whatever shall I do?!", Y/N said in a dramatic falsetto voice.

"Oh right! I have this!", the girl said as she used a turbo boost to pass Jace's car and passed the finish line. "And that, gentlemen, is how you win a race!", the girl announced as the group laughed. Jace had his head on the stearing wheel in defeat as the guys jeered.

"Hey! No hard feelings Jace?", Y/N asked, offering her S/Tn hand to shake. The large eared man was about to take her hand before she snatched it away. "Psych! Sucka!", she shouted as the group erupted into laughter.

The day was coming to a close as the group was leaving the arcade. "What's up guys?!", someone called out as another group of guys strolled up. Vasco pulled Y/N behind them to shield her from view. "Leaving... What do you want?", Jace asked as the other group seemed to size them up.

"You know, just hanging out. Then we heard the Burn Knuckles Crew was in the area. We heard you guys were tough, but you don't look it to me", their "leader" seemed to respond. The group laughed as they seemed to make rude comments about the crew.

"We could easily thrash these guys... But-", Jace pondered as he thought back to Y/N. The crew would never be able to live with themselves if they let the Hgt girl get hurt. "We're not looking for trouble... We'll just be on our way", the large eared man said as the rest caught on and agreed with him.

"Hahahaha! Burn Knuckles are a bunch of push overs!", the "leader" laughed at them. "All right, you guys can go, no trouble... But the girl stays with us", the guy said with a perverted grin on his face. Vasco stepped forward and glared at the group, no one was going to lay their hands on Y/N.

Everything seemed to happen so quickly, the Hgt girl was barely able to process it. First the two groups were at a stand off and now they were in an out brawl. "I should probably move out of the way!", the girl thought as she just barely dodged someone's falling body.

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