dead but not gone

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Davina's pov

We arrive outside the compound, I get out and open the door to let Zander and Hope out while Kol gets Grace out. Hope runs into the compound with Zander close behind once Kol locks the car "daddy" Hope calls out entering the compound "Hope?" Klaus says appearing at the top of the stairs smiling when he sees his daughter "daddy I'm home" she says running up the stairs and into Klaus's arms "I'm happy to see you but why are you her?" He asks curiously while eyeing me and Kol angrily "the hollows gone" Hope says making the anger vanish from Klaus's eyes "what?" He asks surprised "she came for me and my cousins but auntie Davina protected us and now the hollow is dead" Hope explains to her father "that's great news" Klaus says with a smile hugging his daughter close to him happy to have her back home.

"Hope?" Hayley says as she enters the compound stopping at the entrance when she sees her daughter playing with Zander and Grace who is crawling around on the floor while Kol and Klaus watch them "mommy" Hope says running to her mother who kneels down to hug her "sweetie what are you doing back? Is everything okay?" Hayley asks worriedly stroking her daughter's hair "I'm fine mommy the hollows dead" Hope says pulling away from her "she is?" Hayley questions "yes auntie Davina got rid of her" Hope explains Hayley stands up and looks at me "you killed her?" She asks I nod "yes I had Kol burn her body so she can't be resurrected" I say "thank god it's over" she says running a hand through her hair "hold that thought" Vincent says entering the compound we all turn to look at him "Vincent?" I say furrowing my eyebrows "is something wrong?" Kol asks Vincent looks at us before letting out a big sigh "the hollow is still a problem" he says "what but I killed her" I say he nods "I know but her spirit still lurks" he explains Kol picks up Grace who had crawled to him and was tugging at his jeans "the ancestors were meant to capture her and put her in her cage" Kol says furrowing his eyebrows "I'm aware they've been trying to catch her but she's doing a damn good job at hiding from them" he explains "what do we do?" Hayley asks "we need to lure the hollow into a trap and somehow trap her soul into something that can hold her" he explains "I think there's a dark object that might just do that" Kol says I turn to look at him along with everyone else "well if you could find that dark object that would be great because I have a feeling the hollow is going to strike she's angry that you killed her she will stop at nothing to get what she wants" Vincent explains "I'll help him find the object Hayley and Klaus could you two watch Zander and Grace for us?" I ask looking at them Klaus scoffs "what am I? A babysitter?" He responds I glare at him "Davina looked after Hope for us and she protected her don't you think we owe her" Hayley says looking at the father of her child "fine but don't be too long I don't know how long I'll able to handle them for" he says me and Kol glares at him "our children are well behaved they shouldn't be too much of a hassle" Kol says Klaus scoffs taking Grace from Kol who frowns as if the action offended him "yeah yeah now off you pop" Klaus says gesturing to the front door "remind me to slap you later" I say before turning on my heal and exiting the compound I hear Kol chuckle as he follows me.

A few hours later

Me and Kol have been looking around Cami's old apartment in search of the dark objects but have had no luck finding them "where the hell did she put them?!" Kol asks frustrated as he throws a cardboard box across the room "obviously somewhere nobody could easily take them" I say Kol glares at me but I glare at him back making him turn away "they are mine she should've never had them in the first place" he says as he searches through another cardboard box "oh stop being a drama queen and focus on finding them" I say "oh look that's what I am doing" he snaps I turn around and smack him in the back of the head "what the hell has gotten into you huh? You weren't like this a few hours ago or are you just bored?" I ask glaring at him "well I'd prefer to be with my kids rather than do this but of course the hollow wants to be stubborn so I have no choose but to do this" he retorts "I'm sorry the hollows still being a pain but it will be over soon once we find this dark object that can trap her" I say turning around to look through the box I was looking in "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap or be rude about Cami" he says wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder "it's fine" I say sniffling I hate it when we fight "no don't cry love I'm sorry" he says kissing my shoulder "I feel like somethings going to happen and I'm not being paranoid it's this gut feeling the last time I had this feeling was before I died" I say I feel Kol stiffen at my words "you mean when I killed you?" He asks I shake my head "no just before you were undaggered I felt this dreadful feeling that something was going to happen" I explain "darling words can't express how sorry I am I never meant to hurt you I didn't want too" he says I turn to face him and see he has tears in his eyes "I know it was just that feeling a witch gets" I say pressing my forehead against his "I'm sorry for upsetting you" he says looking into my eyes "it's okay I forgive you now let's find that object so we can finally get rid of that bitch once and for all" I say he nods kissing my nose "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say pulling away from his embrace to focus on finding this dark object then once we find it we can trap the hollow and rid her from our lives and we can finally be a normal family.

So things were intense in this chapter. There was a bit of a tiff with Kol and Davina just as they haven't really argued so I thought to just pop a little argument in there. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, there's one last chapter to go and it will be a long long one or it might be a two part chapter so stay tuned for more

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