What I saw

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So this chapter will be told from Davina's point of and we will see why she collapsed and what exactly she saw so enjoy, I will warn you now things will be a little different with the hollows backstory but nothing major

Davina's pov

I clapped my hands and smiled as Hope and Zander did the spell correctly, I was teaching them a little spell it was a spell on how to levertate things they were trying to make a feather float in the air but my smile fades as I hear a voice "seek her past" "lie in her path and see her past" "you must stop her" "seek her past" "lie in her path and see her past" "you must stop her" the voice repeats over and over again "kids you do hear that?" I ask Hope and Zander "hear what mommy?" Zander asks looking at me with his brown eyes glistening with worry "nevermind baby" I say with a small smile but it fades again when I hear another voice "stop her she means harm" I frown in confusion "who means harm?" I whisper quietly so the children don't hear me "the spirit" the voice replies "the blue light the witch that wants to be reborn?" I mutter to myself suddenly realising this must be the ancestors "the spirit's a she?" I ask quietly "seek her past Davina she is connected to them she is a threat to us all" the voice says "show me" I whisper and then everything is silent "thanks for nothing" I mutter sarcastically but then my head starts spinning and souring pain appears in my head and my eyesight goes blurry "what is happening?" I mutter feeling myself fall and everything goes black but not before hearing "mommy!" "Aunt D!" coming from Hope and Zander

I wake up in a field and the sky is dark but I smell fire and I hear people chatting, so I get up off the ground and follow the smell and sounds, I soon find a crowd of people but they're all spread out all execpt three people who are stood in the middle right in front of the fire pit, it looks like a gathering of some sort, a celebration? A wedding, I quietly move closer so I can see and hear them better "here he here he we are gathered here to watch as Isha Labonair and Ralph Seymour come together in marriage their marriage will unite our tribes in peace, a new revoultion, a whole new tribe" says the rather round looking man stood in front of a man and woman, my eyes widen in shock and surprise when he says Labonair my thoughts immdiately drift to Hayley and Hope for a moment "Labonair and Seymour tribes unite together along with five other tribes who are here to witness this pairing, together we are stronger I now announce you man and wife" the man says and everyone in the crowd cheers and starts chanting the couple's name and then everything blurs and the scenery has changed, it is now daylight the sun beams brightly, I heard me commotion come from a cottage so I head over to the cottage and enter the room, I see that woman Isha lying on a table her husband Ralph is stood beside her and there's people stood at the other side of Isha, a man and a woman I watch as the man places a hand on Isha's bare stomach and looks up smiling "she is with child" the man says "the child will be our prosperity" the woman says and the man places his hand back on Isha's stomach and he chants a few words, my eyes widen in realisation that they're witches, everything keeps blurring in and out again showing me the same scenery but different changes, it shows me two witches coming each month and bestowing some sort of power to the unborn child my expression changes when I notice the bump starts glowing a light blue colour everytime a witch gives power to the unborn baby, it's the same blue and the same light as the spirit, this is the spirit's mother and just as I realise this, the scenery changes again and it's of Isha giving birth, I watch closely as she gives birth not the slightest bit fazed by any of it as I've given birth twice "it's a girl" a woman says a woman I've come to know as Isha's aunt, I watch in surprise as the little baby girl glows blue, so this baby is the spirit haunting New Orleans? Then the scenery changes again I watch as the girl grows her name Inadu, as she gets older she becomes more powerful and she has a thirst for more power, I watch her when she's 8 years old as she kills birds and as flowers decay as she passes she smirks at the power, I watch her when she's 17 years old and look on in horror as she sets a couple of tents ablaze people burning to death inside, she stares as the tents burn and as the villagers run screaming to stop the power and Inada simply stands and watches with a proud smirk on her face, I frown when I spot a wolf near her she turns her head, raising her arm to it and she grins "beast" she says in a creepy voice the wolf cowers and backs away but Inadu snaps the wolf's neck "pathetic creature" she mumbles I then watch as her villagers try to capture her but she kills some of the men with her powers but is captured by three men who were sneaking up on her, I watch as they place cuffs on her and strap her down on the ground the villagers form around the evil girl as she struggles to get out of the restraints, a man steps forward with an axe and he along with a few other men chant a spell and put some magic in the axe and then Isha steps forward tears rolling down her cheeks, the man hands the axe to Isha whose hands tremble as she takes hold of the axe and steps towards her daughter, Inadu starts chanting out words angrily right as her mother raises the axe "I'm so sorry" Isha cries as she swings the axe down killing Inadu, the axe is taken from Isha and a man starts chopping up Inadu's body and right as he's finished everyone in the crowd drop to the floor in pain, the sound of bones breaking fills the air and I gasp when I see all their eyes glow yellow, Werewolves Inadu created the Werewolf curse so werewolves are just cursed witches, I watch as Isha cries in pain and then I see a mark on her shoulder, the exact same mark Hayley and Hope have, oh my God Hayley and Hope are descended from the witch who is haunting New Orleans and then everything goes black again but right before it does a voice whispers "the hollow" and then I wake up finding my back in the Mikaelson compound and I'm in Kol's arms with Marcel knelt on the other side of us "i-it m-must b-be s-stopped" I whisper tiredly and then I'm out like a light.

So that's what happened with Davina? What do you think of it? Stay tuned for more

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