Ch.2 -The new Home

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*NOTE: I changed the story a bit, sorry. I decided that Laurel is Will darbyshire's mom, and so Avery's only step brother will be Will. It'll make more sense for the later chapters. Sorry xoxo

The car ride home was a long one. Dad and Laurel were so busy catching up and making more plans for the wedding, that soon enough I found myself dozing off listening to One Republic.

"Wake up Avery, we're home." My dad shakes me awake. I yawn and look out the car window. This house sure is nice. Its a huge red brick house with white windows and a white door. The garden out front has a big cherry blossom tree and many little bushes here and there. In one corner Laurel had put in a small pond with a bench next to it. I get out of the car that was parked in the street since there are already two other cars in the driveway and  I start to go up it when i see something that catches my eye. At the end of the stone interlocked driveway there is a mint colored mailbox that has two white hand prints on it with the names "Henry" and "Laurel". I guess the last time my dad was here they had decorated a mailbox. When I was younger I remember my mother used to decorate every new mailbox that was at a new house we moved into. I smile at the memory and walk up to the door. 

"Tadaa, welcome home sweetheart!" Laurel opens the door for me and I'm surprised by the interior of the house. Its so classy and cute and everything is decorated perfectly.

"It was my new project. I had inspirations here and there from other interior design jobs I worked on over the years. I asked your father to send me some pictures of you when you were younger so I could add  them to our entrance picture  wall." she says excitedly.  I look to the left of where I am standing and see about 50 colorful frames with so many pictures in them. It looks so nice with the creamy wall behind it. I look closer and I see a younger version of Laurel and her son,  and I notice there are a lot of me and my dad as well. 

"It's really nice." I try to sound enthusiastic because I really do love the home, but im so tired from the trip and I just want to sleep.

"Come with me I'll introduce you Will and show you you're new room." She grabs my hand and starts to lead me up the stairs. A little nervous I look back at my dad anxiously but he's already started walking to the kitchen. I follow Laurel's fast steps and soon enough we're at the second level of the house. The lighting is amazing on this floor, the back of the cooridor is all windows so the sun shines brightly through and bounces of the creamy light yellow walls. There's a window seat too that has a white seat and teal and orange cushions on it. Laurel stops at the first door and knocks on it.

"Will, open the door honey. Avery is here, I want you to meet her." I hear a grunt and the sound of springs popping back up as Will gets up and walks to the door. When he opens it I'm face to face with a tall blondish boy, who has really nice blue eyes. If he wasnt my step brother I would feel comfortable saying he's really cute. He smiles lightly at me and looks at his mom.

"Avery, this is Will. Will always wanted a little sister so im sure you two will get along just fine..." As she's talking I notice that there are two other boys in his room. I can't really see their faces because their backs are facing towards me.

"Who's that In the back of the room?" i ask. Will looks behind him and laughs.

"Those are my best buddies. Jack, Finn come here and meet my new little sister." Will says and looks at me and smiles proudly, making me blush. I see the two boys come closer and realize they are twins. They are both extremely attractive, tall, tan, light brunettes with the most amazing hazel eyes. One of them reaches his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Finn. Its nice to finally meet you. Will's been excited about having a sister for the past few weeks. You're very pretty." Finn says. I laugh a little.

"Thank you thats very kind, and It's nice to meet you." I smile  and then the other boy coughs and grabs my hand and shakes it too.

"Hey, I'm Jack. I'm this dork's twin. Nice to meet you. Im sure we're going to be great friends!" Laurel starts to laugh,

"Avery, these boys are my best friend Rebecca's boys, they actually live a couple of houses down . They're been friends with Will since they were in diapers. Im sure they'll become good friends to you too. They're good boys."

"Aw Laurel!", Jack hugs laurel tightly and jokes around like he is five years old,"We love you too!" Laurel laughs and shakes his hair.  

"Okay, well thats enough socialization for right now, I have to show Avery her room!" Laurel exclaims and starts to pull me away from the group of boys in the hallway and all of them kind of wave at me awkwardly and go back into Will's room

. Laurel brings me to the end of the cooridor near the really pretty window seat and opens the door next to it. The door is white but has a little sign that says: Avery's room, on it with little flowers and a fawn. Its so extremely cute even though I'm seventeen.I grab the cold handle and push the door open. I'm taken aback at how extremely beautiful it is. The walls are the perfect shade of mint and the dark floors contrast so perfectly. The bed area is my favorite. Above the bed there is this little sticker attatchment with little birds sitting on a power line, and there are two turquoise deer heads (i love fawns and doe) And two chalkboards with beautiful writing on them at the sides. The bed is an elegant white framing with a really unique cover, it has a map of the world crochet with many little patches of fabric. There are so many cushions which I also love and the nightstands look really cute with the bed set too. Everything is so girly and pretty.  I turn around to see a desk area with a Mac desktop and cute mirror above  it. Next to the desk there are two large drawer sets and i walk over to open them and realize they are FULL with makeup. I look to the window and there is a white sofa in front of it with a little coffee table and T.V. Wow have I ever been spoiled. 

Laurel timidley comes into the room as well and asks me: "Do you like it? If you want we can make changes.." I turn around and hug her tightly. I can feel tears welling in my tears. No one has ever done something so nice for me, and she was treating me like she was the mother I never had and it felt really good. 

"Thank you so much Laurel. I absolutely love it. You didnt have to spoil me so much. A bed and a desk would have been enough." I breathe into her shoulder. Laurel squeezes me back and pulls away still holding my hands and says:

"Now that I have a daughter, I just really wanted to go all out. But theres still something you havnt seen." Laurel walks over to the closet door and opens it. When I get closer I see that it is FULL with clothes and shoes and bags. I'm really girly and i guess my dad told Laurel that because now I dont have to shop for anything for the next few years it seems like. 

"Laurel, I'm speechless. Really. Thank you." Laurel beams and seems really happy and I feel bad for prejudging my new family and life. Its really better than I thought it would be and I feel like kind of a brat for being so moody or the last couple of months. 

"Come on, you must be hungry. Let's go downstairs and eat some supper. " With that says Laurel walks out of the room and I follow her downstairs.

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