Chapter 10

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AN- New Character, his name is Mads. He is Bo's Older Brother. Image above ^

Bo's POV

I'm standing next to Elijah in Klaus' room, Klaus is on his bed in immense pain because of the Tunde Blade. Elijah looks conflicted "This was all you." He says to Klaus then goes downstairs. I look at Klaus and how much he's suffer, I'll admit I'm enjoying this a little too much but I must go. I teleport out of the compound to an alley then I create a portal to my dimensional plane and enter it.

When I come out the other end, something is different. There's snow everywhere and a cabin in the middle of it all, I walk towards the cabin. As I approach it the door opens and it reveals someone I haven't seen in a very long time "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, the mysterious person smirks "Now, is that anyway to speak to your Older Brother." He says amused.

Mads, my Older Brother, he's 2,000 years old and an Elder Fae; which means he's ten-times more powerful than me and could probably destroy the original family. I scoff "Where am I, I know this isn't my plane." I say as I look around, forest and nature covered in snow. "What? You thought you were only one in the family with their own dimensional plane." Mads tells me "Wait... does that mean that the entire Faerie Plane is—" I say "Yes, our Sister houses our entire race in her Plane." Mads explains.

Wow, I thought the Faerie Plane was from... well actually, I wasn't sure where it came from, until now "Come on, little one lets get out of this snow." Mads says. We go inside his cabin "So, how did I get here?" I ask "I took over your portal." Mads answers amused "You can do that?" I ask surprised, he nods. "Don't worry, when you reach a thousand years you'll be able to do it as well." Mads says with a smile. His expression turns serious "I know what you've been up too." He says, I say nothing "How can you stand to be around those vampires, especially those Original Vampires after they tried to take your blood." Mads says angrily.

A tense silence fills the room, Mads scoffs "Whatever, if I ever see that Clause guy. I'll end him." He says, I chuckle "His name is Klaus." I say correcting him "Yeah, whatever his name is. If he ever hurts you again, I'll end him." Mads says. "Okay, you need to calm down. I can handle myself, besides I've forgiven them... well most of them." I say. Mads shakes his head "You and your forgiveness, you should just kill them and be done with it." He says.

I forget that Mads doesn't care for other supernatural creatures other than our own species. My phone rings, I answer it "Hello." I say "Bo, Davina is back and she's been having a hard time since coming back to life. We're at St. Anne's Church." Marcel tells me "Okay, I'll get there as soon as I can. Bye." I say then I hang up.

A smile spreads across my lips, Davina's alive, thank god "What's got you smiling?" My Brother asks "Just some very good news. It's good to see you, but I've got to go back." I say "Back to your vampires?" Mads asks, I nod. He sighs "Just... be careful, because if I sense that you are in danger, I'll come down there and slaughter whoever is hurting my little brother." Mads declares.

I create a portal to New Orleans "I'll try to be careful. See you later, Big Brother." I say then I walk through the portal and now I'm back in New Orleans. I teleport to St. Anne's Church, I walk up to the attic and see Davina sitting on a bed but she doesn't look well "Davina?" I say. She looks up and sees me, she starts to tear up. I rush over to her and hug her "Oh, sweetheart." I say trying to console her, she sobs into my arms.

Cami comes in "Davina, Marcel told me you were up here. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Cami asks "I died. And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me." Davina says "Who?" Cami asks "The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again." Davina says. These Ancestors, I'm sick of the control they have over witches in New Orleans.

I'm back at the compound standing on the balcony as I watch Marcel and his vampires congregate around him. Klaus returns from wherever he was "Is there a reason why you lot are loitering in my home?" Klaus asks "I asked them to be here. You and I need to settle this out in the open." Marcel answers "I thought you would've run off by now." Klaus says nonchalantly "Yeah. Well, this is my town. You want me to beg for forgiveness, but I'm not sorry. I may not be able to beat you, but I came here to face you, to end this in front of my people. If you're gonna kill me for that, get on with it." Marcel says ready for a fight.

Klaus looks like he's about to say something but instead he turns around and heads upstairs, which is unexpected. I see Elijah enter the compound, he vamp-speeds to Marcel and throws against a wall, he exiles Marcel from the French Quarter and tells the other vampires to leaves the compound "Nicely done, Brother. You're beginning to sound like me. I'm impressed." Klaus says, he glances at me then he goes to his room.

I go to Klaus' room, I see him holding a wooden box. He opens it and pulls out a little wooden knight, he told me that he carved it for Rebekah when they were children. I stand in front of him and I see a single tear fall down his face, I hug him and he hugs back tightly. "I'm sorry." I say "I'm sorry too. For everything, Bo." Klaus says. I let go and look at him stunned "You mean it?" I ask, he nods "Yes, I do mean it." Klaus says sincerely.

I sigh in relief "So, you let Rebekah live her life, free from drama?" I ask, Klaus says nothing "I should go say goodbye, before she leaves for good." I say as I go to leave "Wait... um, after you say your goodbyes to Rebekah. You and I need to have a talk." Klaus says and I nod.

I feel around for Rebekah then I teleport, I look around and I see Rebekah standing next to a red convertible. I smile when I see her "So, you're finally free." I say, she turns around and sees me, she smiles "Bo, come to see me off?" She asks "Of course." I answer. We hug each other "Have a good life." I tell her "I will." Rebekah says then she gets in her car and drives off. 

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