" O-Of course... "  

He paused for a moment looking to the creeping day light. " We will continue this conversation at a later time. Your mother will wake by the hour. " 

I moved away from him replaying my respect with a slight bow. I turned away just in time to see my mom emerge from her cave happy to see me. She ran up to me without a moments hesitation. Squeezing the life out of me. 

" M-Mom.... can't.....breath.... " 

" Oh! Right-right! " She quickly replied, setting me down. 

How I didn't get tht abnormal strength is beyond me. I'm squished either way, by dad and now by my mom. I thought I gained some muscle! Anywhere! I didn't have to be much! Well...I'm not a fishbone anymore, but come on. Both of them! Oh~ The gods definitely hate me.... 

This is all types of wrong. 

" Where were you? I didn't see you come home with the other dragons?! " Her concern is welcoming, but the pitch hurts worse then the hugs. 

" I returned, but I wanted to explore. Toothles was- Ah! " Come on! Just one day I would love for him to stop tackling me! " Toothless! Come one! " His laugher isn't helping. No-no-no-no. I know that look. He wouldn't. I just made this suit. " Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out! " He laughed more. In irritation I flicked the slime back onto his nose. Forcing him to rub his nose along the ground. Grossed out by his own spit. Yeah~ that's right. Next time I'll 'clean' you and we'll see how you like it. 

" Is this normal for you two? " Mom chuckled. 

*sigh* " Unfortunately.... " 

" It's nice to have such a tight bone with a dragon. " She beened. " Isn't it great? 


No, nothing remotely is great about being a frind with an oversized flying lizard that holds an opinion. Mind you the beginnings is fun. But htat's how they get what they want. Find the friendsly side ot humanity then boom! A constant semand for affection and fish. Hmph....I wouldn't have any other way. I suppose this is wht a sibling would feel like. Minus the lizard part. Snotloud didn't count as all he ever did was gloat or beat me up. I hate to htink about Ruff and Tuff, just thinking about their twisted relationship is brain numbing. I would have to lose my mind, and still wouldn't find the level to their stupidity. Nothing they can do would surpise me, besides have a decent  idea. 

Kinda makes me want to go back... 

" Hiccup? " 

" Sorry mom, lost in thought. " She smiled to my reply. Probably understanding the want to go home. She probably understood it better then even myself. " D-Did you ever want to come back? " 

" Of course Hiccup. " She softly spoke, cupping her hand to my cheek. " There wasn't a day I wanted to go back and show you what I've learned. With the war...I understood you probably take after you father. Hating the dragon's as much as him after he told you I was taken by one. I've never been so happy to be wrong. " 

I hugged her, that's all I needed to hear. I wanted t know if she really thought about me. Loved me. A person can say they love you but they will never mean it until something worth their love is presented. I know dad wanted the best for me, but the village came first. His pride wouldn't except me as his son. Only me stopping our war with the dragons could he finally show his love towards me. While I'm happy he did, it didn't help. Hopefully when I return, if I return, we can be a whole family again. I want nothing more then to see my family reunited. 

" Come Hiccup, it's time to feed. " Mom whispered,  slowly tugging me towards the waters. 

Various types of water dragons pushed of the water spewing their spoils into the air. Everyone grabbing their share. I looked over to Toothless seeing him have his fun catching his fill. I chuckled at his attempted waving my hand over his tail fin, watching it scale over. Putting enough weight for him to notice the change. Taking off in the feeding frenzy. I turned to mom seeing her smile, hearing her laugh. It was something I never I could be able to see nor hear in my interal life, and here I am. Be side her. 

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